nvx / CleanroomGenerator

CleanroomGenerator - Clean Room style flat world Chunk Generator for the Minecraft Server Mod Bukkit. See the Bukkit forum thread for more information.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Default terrain generated with multiverse #16

Closed Erudition closed 6 years ago

Erudition commented 10 years ago

On a 1.6.4 mcpc server I have multiverse and I tried to make a Cleanroom that is NOT my default world. However, /mvcreate Origin -g CleanroomGenerator or my preferred: /mcreate Origin -t flat -g CleanroomGenerator:. ...both generate default terrain. CleanroomGenerator shows up in /mv gens.

nvx commented 10 years ago

What other plugins do you have installed? Any errors in the console? What version of CraftBukkit?

Erudition commented 10 years ago
nvx commented 10 years ago

Hmm, can you reproduce the issue with CraftBukkit 1.6.4-R2.1 (ie, non-MCPC-Plus build)?

If you check out the source of this plugin, it's trivially simple (it might as well be a unit test for the CB WGEN handler :P) and I have encountered instances where MCPC+ has broken WGEN support before. If it works on vanilla CB of the same version I'd be likely to suspect it's a MCPC+ bug and log it with those guys - especially in the absence of any errors printed.

Also just to confirm, does it generate the default terrain from get go (ie, if you create a world then teleport to it immediately after creating is it default WGEN?) - or does it generate cleanroom terrain initially, then begin generating default terrain after a period of time (such as after a server restart for example). The former sounds like MCPC+ has broken WGEN's, the latter is typically symptomatic of another plugin loading the world before MV after a server restart (and thus unaware of the WGEN parameters, and WGEN parameters can only be set at world load time, not afterwards so MV can't "fix" the settings when it gets around to loading it itself).

You might note in neither of those two cases was it a "caused by a bug in CleamroomGenerator" as I haven't encountered an issue that ended up being caused by that yet (not to say it's not possible, but as I mentioned before it's such a trivial implementation that it's pretty damn hard to muck up go figure).

Erudition commented 10 years ago

That makes sense, although I'm not sure how I can setup the same environment for the plugin if I were to download the CraftBukkit version. With just a vanilla Bukkit server, I'd be surprised if it didn't generate properly. But the fact that it works in a clean environment doesn't help me to get it to work in mine. I'm not sure how to get all of my configuration over to this CraftBukkit jar for testing...

But no, it's the second one (fully default / fully flat) and I understand how easy it would be to set the whole world to 0 as I know Java myself. Perhaps I should test another world generator plugin to make sure it's not mcpc.

nvx commented 10 years ago

A decent test might be copying the entire plugins directory to your test install to ensure that any potential conflicts with other plugins are reproduced in the CraftBukkit environment.

nvx commented 6 years ago

Closing due to age.