nvzqz / divan

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docs: Use Markdown footnotes in README.md #7

Closed dnaka91 closed 9 months ago

dnaka91 commented 9 months ago

Thanks for this cool project. I tried it out today on one of my projects and really like it. Especially the fast feedback loop as it has way less dependencies than Criterion and compiles much faster (very noticable when LTO is turned on).

While reading through the docs I noticed the kind of manual way of creating footnotes.

Both GitHub and rustdoc/docs.rs support Markdown footnotes, so they can be used in the README.md instead of the manual variant of it.

nvzqz commented 9 months ago

Sweet, thanks for the contribution! I actually didn't realize that docs.rs supports markdown footnotes, which was why I went with the manual route. Does crates.io as well? Asking since I want the footnotes to also work there but that's not a blocker.

Also, thanks for being detail oriented and noticing I use a docs: commit message prefix for documentation (not that it would have blocked this).

dnaka91 commented 9 months ago

Ah good point, I didn't check for crates.io support. Will try to find a repo that uses footnotes in the readme and see if it works there too (have footnotes in my own crates but not in the readme).

dnaka91 commented 9 months ago

As it turns out, crates.io currently does NOT render footnotes. But I made a PR to enable it for readmes, so let's see how it goes.

dnaka91 commented 9 months ago

@nvzqz looks like my PR got accepted, just the merge is outstanding. Therefore, footnotes should be available on crates.io in a matter of days (although not sure when they deploy new versions).