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How to get the node profile after create cluster #117

Closed zhang-zhenqing closed 4 years ago

zhang-zhenqing commented 4 years ago

已经根据文档在宁夏区建立了k8s cluster, 接下来想去配置alb,但是文档不是很清楚,望给与解答: https://github.com/nwcdlabs/kops-cn/blob/master/doc/aws-alb-ingress_en.md

$ aws --profile bjs iam list-roles | grep "nodes.cluster" "RoleName": "nodes.cluster.zhy.k8s.local", "Arn": "arn:aws-cn:iam::937788672844:role/nodes.cluster.zhy.k8s.local" Attach iam-policy.json as extra role policy to the node role. aws --profile bjs iam put-role-policy --role-name nodes.cluster.zhy.k8s.local --policy-name alb-ingress-extra --policy-document file://iam-policy.json

这里面的profile bjs, 怎么来的? 如果是cluster.bjs.k8s.local中的bjs,似乎是不对的,没有这个profile

pahud commented 4 years ago

不需要這個--profile bjs, 只要確保你當前AWS CLI profile是使用國內region的配置即可。

我把這 --profile 拿掉吧。

pahud commented 4 years ago



zhang-zhenqing commented 4 years ago
