nwfsc-fram / boatnet

At-Sea Field Data Collection Software Components for Scientific Surveys and Observers
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logbook fish ticket date is incorrect #2370

Closed neilriley-NOAA closed 2 years ago

neilriley-NOAA commented 3 years ago

uploaded fish ticket date = 6/24/21 but displayed as 6/23/2021 in the app

"fishTickets": [{ "fishTicketNumber": "TEST12346", "fishTicketDate": "2021-06-24T00:00:00Z" }],


sethgerou-noaa commented 3 years ago

The time you submitted via the api submission portal ("2021-06-24T00:00:00Z") doesn't have a time zone offset, so that time, when displayed in Seattle does occur on 6/23/2021 (at 5PM). To display as 12AM on 6/24 it technically should be "2021-06-24T07:00:00.000Z".

If we think this will be a common error, it's easy enough to display trips/catch api dates in UTC, which ignores the time zone info, but we should think about whether we want to expect the correct time zone in dateTime objects, always ignore it for dates, or some other policy. Could get confusing to sometimes ignore it - everything that's entered in obs-web and the new tablet app will always have a timezone offset (whether it has an entered time or not).

neilriley-NOAA commented 3 years ago

that makes sense. this time zone issue recently came up with the analyst and they need the correct time zone. my initial thought is to include the offset to avoid confusion.