Closed ghost closed 5 years ago
Before was getting this error: Error in v-on handler: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'target' of undefined"
Code to fix:
if (event) {
Resolved another issue where the text was getting reset to the previously selected option when using the on-screen keyboard. You would type, then sometimes the text would get reset and everything you just had just entered disappeared. Resolve this by modifying the BoatnetKeyboard component setting preventClickEvent = true
Currently working on a final issue where the options menu for q-select keeps disappearing while using the on screen keyboard. Was looking into the vue events and see that q-menu emits a hide event, then on the next keypress it emits a show. Keeps toggling between these two states so with every keypress the menu is shown, then hid, shown, then hid. Believe it may be caused by the q-select losing focus. On the first keypress it gains focus and shows the menu. Then when i select a character on the keyboard it loses focus and hides the menu. On the next keypress it regains focus and shows the menu. So looking for a way to modify this behavior.
Interesting. The autocomplete functionality we have for the q-select is probably what's causing all those redraws (hide/show etc)
close for now, there's still the issue with hiding and showing of options, but got rid of the console errors
The autocomplete on Trips Details doesn't quite behave well with the onscreen keyboard. There are a lot of errors in the console log, so that'd be a starting place to figure out what's up.