nwhitehead / pineapple

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FEATURE: read registered Jupyter kernels and enable launch #23

Open mangecoeur opened 8 years ago

mangecoeur commented 8 years ago

Jupyter now supports all kinds of kernels which can be installed independently of the Jupyter notebook server itself. These are registered with the kernel by creating kernel definition files in a specific folder: https://ipython.org/ipython-doc/dev/development/kernels.html

It should be possible to configure the Jupyter instance inside pineapple to read these definitions and run the appropriate kernel. This would make it possible to connect to a custom python environment (e.g. you could install Anaconda and use it's ipython kernel) as well as support kernels in other languages (e.g. Julia or R).

nwhitehead commented 8 years ago

This one is high priority. Many people want to use their existing Anaconda setup with all their packages, I like the idea of having a default Python included but then being able to configure other kernels.

CrazyPython commented 4 years ago

I would love a PyPy3 kernel, perfect for numerical experimentation, easier than C++/Cling, faster than Python.