nwjs / grunt-nw-builder

Build NW.js applications for Mac, Windows and Linux using Grunt
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Re-downloading nodewebkit every time i run the grunt command #26

Closed lpetrov closed 10 years ago

lpetrov commented 10 years ago

Not sure why, but every time i run the grunt command its redownloading the .tar.gz packages from s3. My assumption is that the command should check first the cache/ folder for any existing archives, before re-downloading everything again.

So, am I doing something wrong or i misunderstood the purpose of the cache/ folder ? :)

Cheers, L

steffenmllr commented 10 years ago

The command (should) check if the files within the archive exist, not the archive itself. Can you tell me which files are in your cache folder?

lpetrov commented 10 years ago
lpetrov@lpetrovvws:~/workspace/app/desktop$ ls -al dist/cache/linux64/0.7.5/
total 125972
drwxr-xr-x 2 lpetrov lpetrov     4096 Oct 14 16:34 .
drwxrwxr-x 3 lpetrov lpetrov     4096 Oct 14 16:29 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 lpetrov lpetrov   806137 Sep 18 14:52 credits.html
-rwxr-xr-x 1 lpetrov lpetrov  1251880 Sep 18 14:52 libffmpegsumo.so
-rw-rw-r-- 1 lpetrov lpetrov 35650592 Oct 14 16:30 node-webkit-v0.7.5-linux-x64.tar.gz
-rwxr-xr-x 1 lpetrov lpetrov 79310936 Sep 18 14:52 nw
-rw-r--r-- 1 lpetrov lpetrov  5156314 Sep 18 14:52 nw.pak
-rwxr-xr-x 1 lpetrov lpetrov  6796752 Sep 18 14:52 nwsnapshot

Also, i'd just found that if i run the command it will finish w/ success (successful exit code and no logged errors), but my dist/releases/appname/ folder is just empty. This i guess, started happening after i updated to the latest version). I can however, enable the keep_nw and i will see the nw file, but none of the linux/win/mac built apps are there.

My configuration is:

module.exports = function(grunt) {
    pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
    nodewebkit: {
        options: {
            build_dir: './dist/', // Where the build version of my node-webkit app is saved
            keep_nw: false,
            mac: false, // We want to build it for mac
            win: false, // We want to build it for win
            linux32: false, // We don't need linux32
            linux64: true // We don't need linux64
        src: ['./app/**/*'] // Your node-wekit app

  grunt.registerTask('default', ['nodewebkit']);


Hope that this helps :)

Thanks, L

steffenmllr commented 10 years ago

There are some issues with the untaring on linux (https://github.com/mllrsohn/grunt-node-webkit-builder/issues/19) - I'll look into it

steffenmllr commented 10 years ago

can't reproduce the issue, please reopen you it is still valid

micksatana commented 9 years ago

Still have this problem. I'm using.. grunt-node-webkit-builder 0.3.0 node-webkit-builder 0.1.4 node 0.11.13 grunt 0.4.5 Build on Windows 8.1 x64 VM (physical machine is Mac)

nodewebkit: { options: { version: '0.8.6', buildDir: './build/releases', mac_icns: './app/app.icns', platforms: ['win'] }, src : ['./app/*/', '!./app/test/*/'] }

ps. I recently upgrade grunt-node-webkit-builder 0.1.21 to 0.3.0. It used to work perfectly on 0.1.21. After upgrade I get the re-downloading problem.

Update: I can avoid the problem by installing nvm to control node version, and downgrade it to 0.10.33 32-bit. I guess the root cause is the node version 0.11.13 does not support some node_modules.

Hope this help.

adam-lynch commented 9 years ago

I guess the root cause is the node version 0.11.13 does not support some node_modules.

What do you mean?

micksatana commented 9 years ago

sorry for late reply. I meant there's some incompatible with node 0.11.13 and grunt-node-webkit-builder 0.3.0. but I wasn't sure what it was. When I downgrade to node 0.10.33, the problem just gone. So if any one facing this problem, the easiest workaround is to try downgrading node version.

adam-lynch commented 9 years ago

@micksatana ok, thanks

sergiomb2 commented 8 years ago

Hi, I think this happens on Fedora 21 with system node v0.10.36 , when try build packages under a chroot with mock comand :

mock -r fedora-21-x86_64 --no-clean  --rebuild pdemo-0.1.20150712git7212f67.fc21.src.rpm

Before begin nmp install is untar all cache but

+ grunt nodewebkit

Always download node-webkit

Running "nodewebkit:src" (nodewebkit) task
Downloading: http://get.popcorntime.io/nw/v0.12.1/node-webkit-v0.12.1-linux-x64.tar.gz

Any suggestion for grunt nodewebkit use the cache file instead download it or even grunt nodewebkit work without networking ?
