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App crashes under Antergos-Arch Linux #1577

Closed alexis-diavatis closed 8 years ago

alexis-diavatis commented 10 years ago

I've tested in Fedora 20 and Ubuntu (64 bit only) and works, but in Antergos (Arch derivative, I haven't test it on Arch) my app crashes immediately with:

[8493:0217/003400:ERROR:breakpad_linux.cc(1225)] crash dump file written to /tmp/chromium-renderer-minidump-61030a67193927c5.dmp

I have tried both 0.8.4 and 0.9.1.

The dmp file https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3BEqX72lNoHa0R1Zi10VlczbGF0bHFuTjB3WFgxRkF1X1U4/edit?usp=sharing

my app repo: https://github.com/alexis-diavatis/Goops-App

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rogerwang commented 10 years ago

what's the version and arch of node-webkit for the dump file?

alexis-diavatis commented 10 years ago

arch is 64bit, node-webkit could be 0.8.4 or 0.9.1. there is no way to verify it now :( but it crashes on both 0.8.4 & 0.9.1.

i just read a comment that someone run it in Arch, maybe only Antergos issue?

It is not my dmp file, but I can install Antergos in vbox by 2morrow and reproduce it, if helps

ghost commented 10 years ago

Got same issue on 0.9.2-1 (for example app.nw): $ nw app.nw [22757:0302/231804:ERROR:breakpad_linux.cc(1225)] crash dump file written to /tmp/chromium-renderer-minidump-0cb092444496426e.dmp

Using Arch Linux: $ uname -a Linux mikebook 3.12.7-2-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Jan 12 13:09:09 CET 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux

ghost commented 10 years ago

But 0.8.5 works just fine.

jorenvs commented 10 years ago

Same here on latest stable Arch. 0.8.5 works, but 0.9.1 and 0.9.2 crash with popcorntime app. See related issue: popcorn-team/popcorn-app#107

jorenvs commented 10 years ago

related? #1650

jduncanator commented 10 years ago

@rogerwang Would really like to get on top of this, would you possibly have the Breakpad symbols for node-webkit 64bit Linux 0.9.2 on hand? I have a crash dump if it helps.

sanfilippopablo commented 10 years ago

Same problem here.

jorenvs commented 10 years ago

@giamfreeg If I recall correctly, the issue should be resolved by installing the ttf-ms-fonts packages from AUR.

sanfilippopablo commented 10 years ago

@jorenvs I didn't have that information. Thanks!

HaiColon commented 10 years ago

I can confirm that 0.9.1 crashes in Arch Linux without ttf-ms-fonts installed, just had a user of my app try to install the fonts and it solved the problem for him.

gramonov commented 10 years ago

I'm running Arch 64-bit and node-webkit 0.8.6. Installing ttf-ms-fonts from AUR fixed did fix this issue for me.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Yeah, I agree. All is well. You may close it now.

boechat107 commented 10 years ago

@ge0rge 's solution worked for me too.

bc99 commented 10 years ago

I'm glad there is a solution. Please contact me next time. I'm the package maintainer in the AUR.

ghost commented 10 years ago

@rogerwang I think there should be a fallback to non-MS fonts when it can't detect the package. That or a proper error message.

rogerwang commented 10 years ago

@jduncanator the symbol file is in the release notes: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/node-webkit/qpBhcWr-hSc/caGjhtl8cEgJ

jduncanator commented 10 years ago

@rogerwang Thanks.

leonardiwagner commented 10 years ago

I'm having the issue under Debian too.

Installing ttf-mscorefonts-installer from apt-get solves the problem. The app should work with any fonts, do you agree? And at least show a better error description.

sanfilippopablo commented 10 years ago

@leonardiwagner agreed.

ghost commented 10 years ago

@leonardiwagner Already suggested that!

brandonculver commented 10 years ago

Yeah this seems weird to me as well. If its not possible to solve it would be interesting to hear an explanation why from @rogerwang

leonardiwagner commented 10 years ago

Yes! If some developer tell me how hard it can be to solve, since I've never contributed before on the project, I volunteer as tribute to solve it!

ghost commented 10 years ago

It provides fonts for the UI as far as I can tell, however I don't see any code that directly references them, only some CSS which should fallback ...

mautematico commented 9 years ago

Hello everybody!

Try fonts-liberation instead of ttf-m$corefonts-installer. It worked for me (different app, same issue).

abondis commented 9 years ago

thanks @mautematico that worked for me (issue was with gopanda2)

kafkyan commented 9 years ago

Solved!!! Arch 64-b $ yaourt ttf-ms-fonts


hanxi commented 9 years ago

good job. I also resolved. for popcorn-app in ubuntu

piglovesyou commented 9 years ago

My nw app in Archlinux also crashes with the similar log when I call:

var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver');
new webdriver.Builder(); // Crash


$ pacman -Qi node-webkit
Name           : node-webkit
Version        : 0.10.2-2
$ uname -a
Linux localhost 3.16.1-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Aug 14 07:40:19 CEST 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux
piglovesyou commented 9 years ago

Mac OSX 10.9.4 MacBook Pro 13-inch Mid 2010 was OK, But Mac OSX 10.9.4 Mac mini Late 2012 also crashes node-webkit window with code above. I guess I should create another ticket so please ignore my case.

nwjs-bot commented 8 years ago

This should be working with latest version now.

In 0.13 we changed to an optimized architecture so more features can be supported, see http://nwjs.io/blog/whats-new-in-0.13/ and it's good for keeping up with Chromium upstream -- we released with Node.js v6.0 and new Chromium versions within 1 day after upstream release.

The new version would fixed many issues reported here and we're scrubbing them. This issue is closed as we believe it should be fixed. Please leave a message if it isn't and we'll reopen it.