nwn2fixes / player

Fixes for the casual NwN2 player
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Wave of bugs - Original Campaign (SPOILERS HERE) #52

Open Felipefpl opened 3 years ago

Felipefpl commented 3 years ago

Not sure if those are hard to fix and will be accepted or closed but here it goes:

1 - For several times the animations that are shown when attacking a enemy arent displayed but i can see the number of the damage being displayed. This also happens with Nwn 1 classic/EE.

2 - Also for several times when i'm walking with my character and then she goes back several yards/meters behind. After that, it keeps walking normally but even so it's irritating.

3 - I was wondering if it would be possible to implement a Quick Load key in the F9 key because it sucks to follow all the path to load a game.

4 - Loading takes A LOT of time depending of the area, isnt it possible to optimize it?

5 - Would be possible to remove the double confirmation to save a game? This is also an annoyance in Nwn classic/EE.

6 - When walking too close to a building the camera goes TOO CLOSE to the character instead of staying where it should be.

7 - Teh game saves the position of all windows but it doesnt keep saved the minimap closed. Once you load a game it's up there again.

8 - I noticed there are situations where if you use diplomacy (other skills included) and it's successfull you earn xp but there are other situations where you are successfull but doesnt earn anything, not sure if those are bugs or intended by the devs.

kevL commented 3 years ago

hey Felipe, interesting observations

|1 - For several times the animations that are shown when attacking a enemy arent displayed but i can see the number of the damage being displayed. This also happens with Nwn 1 classic/EE.

sounds like a hardcoded issue. Ie, perhaps the engine is too busy and skips the animation to save CPU cycles.

|2 - Also for several times when i'm walking with my character and then she goes back several yards/meters behind. After that, it keeps walking normally but even so it's irritating.

a hardcoded issue. Often called "rubber banding" ...

|3 - I was wondering if it would be possible to implement a Quick Load key in the F9 key because it sucks to follow all the path to load a game.

[F9] to bring up the Load menu? It might be possible but not a "fix" per se.

|4 - Loading takes A LOT of time depending of the area, isnt it possible to optimize it?

hardcoded issue ...

|5 - Would be possible to remove the double confirmation to save a game? This is also an annoyance in Nwn classic/EE.

I tried doing that myself, but no luck. (also not a fix but a feature)

|6 - When walking too close to a building the camera goes TOO CLOSE to the character instead of staying where it should be.

There's a parameter in i think Placeables.2da that has an effect on this behavior, but there may be cases where it doesn't have the desired effect. So it's either hardcoded or a designer issue ...

|7 - Teh game saves the position of all windows but it doesnt keep saved the minimap closed. Once you load a game it's up there again.

The minimap closed gui is a different gui than minimap open. Close the gui, move it, and its current position should get saved.

|8 - I noticed there are situations where if you use diplomacy (perhaps other skills) and it's successfull you earn xp but there are other situations where you are successfull but doesnt earn anything, not sure if those are bugs or intended by the devs.

Getting XP is decided by a module's designer/builder. Getting XP for skill-use is up to them, and they have to implement it themselves. So, not bugs and not devs ...

ps. The best way to fix hardcoded issues is to write a new engine/executable


Felipefpl commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the info, i found a few extra things that (probably) arent hadcoded. A save below perhaps may help you.

9 - Deekin and Sal are at Crossroads Keep yet they can be found in neverwinter (right after you bring deekin to be with you and the keep is opened thus Sal goes to manage the inn)

10 - Captain Brelaina still refers to me as Lieutenant even after i became Captain.

11 - I cant hire the dancer at moonstone mask even after i talked with Sal and he asked for one. (invalid, this only happens in act 3, not act2)

12 - A single changelog.txt with all changes split in sections: OC/MOTB/SOZ/MOW would be easier to read/find info about all changes instead of several .txt files found in several folders.

13 - The game should save the location of the last waypoint used in all areas of neverwinter, it sucks when we go to the docks and the game put us in the most distant waypoint instead of the one right next the sunken flagon. The savegame below can be used to test the waypoints.


kevL commented 3 years ago

|9 - Deekin and Sal are at Crossroads Keep yet they can be found in neverwinter.

This could/should be fixed, time permitting or by PR

|10 - Captain Brelaina still refers to me as Lieutenant even after i became Captain.

That'd require changes to Dialog.Tlk (but nwn2Fixes won't distribute the talkfile by policy -- can cause users too much problem)

|11 - I cant hire the dancer at moonstone mask even after i talked with Sal and he asked for one.

I guess that one could/should be fixed also.

|12 - A single changelog.txt with all changes split in sections: OC/MOTB/SOZ/MOW would be easier to read/find info about all changes instead of several .txt files found in several folders.

sounds reasonable ... will merge them soonish

|13 - The game should save the location of the last waypoint used in all areas of neverwinter, it sucks when we go to the docks and the game put us in the most distant waypoint instead of the one right next the sunken flagon.

that's more of a customization -- Obsidian could have and should have done something like this but it's not a fix. My personal perspective/attitude is that only things that are game-breaking require immediate attention; the further something is away from game-breaking the more open i am to pull requests ... there are people who do their own customizations and some have indicated to me that they appreciate Nwn2Fixes in that it addresses issues that are strictly broken ( a policy that reduces conflicts on their end )

kevL commented 3 years ago

|12 - A single changelog.txt with all changes split in sections: OC/MOTB/SOZ/MOW would be easier to read/find info about all changes instead of several .txt files found in several folders.

https://github.com/nwn2fixes/player/commit/c59b5bb4615adeb30de6aeb8826960cb74190f21 done

Felipefpl commented 3 years ago

|12 - A single changelog.txt with all changes split in sections: OC/MOTB/SOZ/MOW would be easier to read/find info about all changes instead of several .txt files found in several folders.

c59b5bb done

Nice, thanks for that, but there is a problem:

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The whole text is displayed like that, to be displayed properly i had to open the text on wordpad, then i chose "Save As" to save/replace the text without formatting, once this is done the text is displayed correctly.

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I found a few small problems while playing, now on Act 3:

I built everything with Master Veedle at the keep and now he keeps displaying the same dialog we see when we speak with him for the 1st time.

Typos like corse instead of corpse.

In the cutscenes with the characters there are strange/black spaces between the phrases, unfortunately i was stupid and didnt go through the dialog again to take a picture.

My fighter has the diplomacy/intimidate skills at her best plus items that raise the diplomacy skill and even so i get failures when using diplomacy mostly, i'm guessing these could be bugs because i have no idea what i'd have to do to be successfull, unless i need charisma 18 plus nimph cloaks and stuff.

kevL commented 3 years ago

|Nice, thanks for that, but there is a problem

git was originally designed with Linux in mind ... Linux uses different line-ending chars. Notepad does not recognize the Linux line-endings. Notepad++ does ...

I believe you can set your git up to replace Linux-style line-endings with Windows-style line-endings if you want. Otherwise, use a better text-editor :)

-- typos and weird phrases are in Dialog.Tlk and i won't touch that. Personally I have my Dialog.Tlk backed up, and use an edited version (see TlkEdit2).

-- The OC is severely bugged when it comes to the dialog skill checks. Many times the check doesn't happen at all -- it'd take many many hours to fix all that ...

-- |I built everything with Master Veedle at the keep and now he keeps displaying the same dialog we see when we speak with him for the 1st time.

if i had time id look at it, but it sounds like the kind of thing that someone could fix in a simple pull request ...

Felipefpl commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the answers, i'd like to add more stuff for the record, so ppl can look at this in the future:

My previous report about the dancer not going to keep is wrong, the dancer is the one dancing outside from Act 3, not in the moonstone mask in Act 2.

The drow prisoner in mt galardrym doesnt disappear when you free her unlike the other prisoners.

Several influence checks perhaps are bugged since i gave nice answers to boost influence but i cant succed.

When using waypoints in neverwinter i can hear my main character saying "Hmmm?" like if i was selecting her.

(Perhaps hard to reproduce) i always use exploration mode but for some time the strategy mode was always loaded, this doesnt happen now, this happened in Act 1.

(SERIOUS oversight) The red dragon is pink...

As you progress through the 3 acts in the game saving a game takes a longer time, i can reduce this time closing/restarting the game but even so it's annoying.

After forcing the boulders to fall in the giants below i go down there but i couldnt loot the bodies, i was able to do that after i used the waypoint and went back where the bodies are.

The scrolling bar in the left side of the dialog window in the bottom made me spin the camera several times, is there any way to make it go to the right side where it should be? (REALLY, what were the devs thinking??)

kevL commented 3 years ago

|(Perhaps hard to reproduce) i always use exploration mode but for some time the strategy mode was always loaded, this doesnt happen now, this happened in Act 1.

once you go to strategy mode that mode will be loaded (yeh bug). To workaround, go to exploration mode and open Options and okay it. That should reset your restarts to exploration.

Felipefpl commented 3 years ago

once you go to strategy mode that mode will be loaded (yeh bug). To workaround, go to exploration mode and open Options and okay it. That should reset your restarts to exploration.

I never went to strategy mode, this happened while always using exploration mode, but like i said, this didnt happen after Act 1.

Edit - other ones i found.

Charisma obviously changes the prices but this doesnt happen when using nymph's cloaks.

The setting where you set up a distance between the main character doesnt work for the main character you created, only for the characters of the game like Khelgar, etc, etc.

When bartering (this happened A LOT of times) if you click in a character (except the one created by you) or use any of the F2 up to F5 keys to change your characters the bartering/inventory screens will close and you'll have to choose a specifid character if you want to barter clicking or using the F key assigned to them.

Sometimes when removing a helmet the face of the main character will be covered by a black helmet even if you arent using anything.

Sometimes when adding/removing items that changes statuses the interface wont update the data about them, i have to close the inventory screen and then open it again to see the correct data.

Rand in the Act 3 in Highcliff has a mummy description assigned to him.

I also noticed that several creatures dont have any description at all, no idea if this was intended by the devs or if those are bugs.

Corpses are referred as an "object" (no idea about this too)

The order of the characters (except the main one) keeps changing when going from one area to another, a bit annoying if you are want to use the same key to control a certain character.

You cant move items using the portrait of the characters unless you grab the item, put it in the inventory first and then click/hold to move that item to the character you want.

The piece of wall below in the merchant quarter is displayed as a door.

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Felipefpl commented 3 years ago

When Aldanon comes to speak with you he blocks the way to the other room, you'll have to click A LOT of times to get there and you'll have to do the same A LOT of time again to go back, he should go to his original position to avoid this.


The item below has an obviously wrong description in the bottom aside the wrong use of spaces.

Wrong description

Tried to move the True Name Scroll from Ammon Jerro to Zhjaeve (forbidden by the game) and got 2 scrolls when there should be only one.

2 true name scrolls

All those things reported here happen in Act 3 including the invisible rabbits in the destroyed west harbor. Although the pic shows only one there are several of them there.

Invisible rabbit

As you can see in the pictures the "Barkskin" spell isnt correctly applied, this happens in 2 situations: When you load a game and when you change between areas in the same place.

Checks of diplomacy/intimidate done against bishop in the last conversation with him before the fight against black garius dont work even with the stats raised to max through skill points on lvl up/items.

Black garius' body cant be looted when the portal is active and his body is close/under the portal, if you try the game makes you go back several yards/meters.

Cant loot

One of the bodies in the vale of mederlain cant be looted (likely invisible blockers in front of it). I was too dumb n lazy to make a savegame, sorry for that. :/

Some food for thought: several characters have incorrect alignments considerating their behaviour in the game such as:

Qara - chaotic neutral (it should be chaotic evil unless burning places just because you want it is a "neutral" thing) Khelgar - neutral good (it should be chaotic good since going into random fights it's far from being neutral) Bishop - chaotic evil (it should be neutral evil since his behaviour reflects that and it's no way the same as Qara's) Ammon - neutral evil (it should be chaotic evil since before he meets you he basically kills everyone/everything in his path) Zhjaeve - lawful neutral (it should be neutral good since she aims the greater good with the end of the king of shadows)