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Wave of bugs - Mask of the Betrayer (SPOILERS HERE) #53

Open Felipefpl opened 3 years ago

Felipefpl commented 3 years ago

Now that i finished OC (for the 1st time) i'm gonna put the bugs i find here for future reference :) :

The camera is too close to the character, i know i reported this in OC but this happened only when i started the game, now it happens most of times when i load a savegame inside mulsantir, the bad behaviour found in the OC remained while i was in the barrow/outside the city. After i went inside mulsantir it got worse.

Vyk at ice lodge is bald according to description but his pic shows a man with hair.

I helped Yulia at ice troll lodge defeating Forovan at the arm's contest but no xp was given and no entry in the journal was added, dev's intention or a bug?

Helped vyk and radu in the ice lodge to train and again no xp was given/no journal's entry added, a bug or was intended by the devs?

I raised using the points on level up the skills Diplomacy = 15 and intimidate = 26 (the max i could raise them at OC) and even so no success with gann's conversation at the prison, neither talking with sheva about okku, the values should be bigger or is it a bug?

If i do a quick save during the fight with Jurak to be accepted in the lodge and load that quick save he'll wont be in the "ring" anymore, instead he'll be outside attacking my part members, savegame attached.


Now, during the fight against sergey if i load a quick save inside the "ring" when i'm fighting him Safyia will shoot arrows at him.

Also, during all the tests i go through at the lodge no entry in the journal is added, is it by design or a bug?

I get xp for lockpicking the doors at the Sloop inn but no xp when i do the same to chests or when i disable/recover traps, if this happens by devs' decision it was a bad one and it makes no sense. The same happens in the OC, you get xp for doing a few things but not for doing others.

The last letter of influence and the number associated with it in the character screen overlap.

The game saved by itself several times when i'm on shadow mulsantir, this happened after i finish loading the game.

Epic weapon focus adds +4 to attacks rolls and removes the previous bonuses given by weapon focus and greater weapon focus so i believe i should earn +2 to my attacks but i earn +3 instead. The same happens with Epic reflexes and it's likely to happen with the other statuses (unless i'm wrong about these).

kevL commented 3 years ago

heya Felipe, it's kinda neat that you're adding all this stuff. (it's nonstandard use of Issues, but im okay with it :)

| The game saved by itself several times when i'm on shadow mulsantir, this happened after i finish loading the game. probly the scripted autosave -- the designers put autosaves in every so often ... agreed it should be an option but it doesn't seem to break anything

Felipefpl commented 3 years ago

heya Felipe, it's kinda neat that you're adding all this stuff. (it's nonstandard use of Issues, but im okay with it :)

Nice, but i didnt know it was non-standard though, good you are fine with that.

| The game saved by itself several times when i'm on shadow mulsantir, this happened after i finish loading the game. probly the scripted autosave -- the designers put autosaves in every so often ... agreed it should be an option but it doesn't seem to break anything

Doesnt autosave works on specific places like the waypoints from one scenery to other one? In these specific cases the game is being saved several times after i load in shadow mulsantir but since you said it's by design i'd say it was a bad decision from the devs. :/

Perhaps bugs or oversight from devs: some hit dice rolls for diplomacy (likely other skills too, dont remember any other right now) can be seen in the dialog window but others cant.

Gann's 1st talk with Darovik about the city of judgment repeats itself a 2nd time (no idea if more times will come after that) save below to test.


There is an initiative roll check before the cold test by Yulia which is pointless since it's not an enemy that i'm facing neither will make a difference if i win/lose the check.

When i'm draining the spirit of Okku after winning the battle against him my character is draining the spirit from an empty place since Okku is right at my left instead of being in front of me.

kevL commented 3 years ago

| i didnt know it was non-standard though

just to let you know, in case you're active on other git repos, others often won't like a bunch of issues like this all posted into one Issue -- usually they should each be entered as a unique bug/feature :)

| In these specific cases the game is being saved several times after i load in shadow mulsantir but since you said it's by design i'd say it was a bad decision from the devs.

yeh they made a lot of 'hasty' decisions. Autosave is a function that is typically called by an OnEnter script -- when the PC enters an area, the OnEnter script runs the autosave function -- it should be guarded by a condition so it doesn't happen more than once. Apparently someone left out the condition ... or it may have been intended as a sort of "safepoint"

regardless, it should not happen when loading ...

Felipefpl commented 3 years ago

just to let you know, in case you're active on other git repos, others often won't like a bunch of issues like this all posted into one Issue -- usually they should each be entered as a unique bug/feature :)

I see, i dont understand why, imagine a github full of the issues i post here. :P

yeh they made a lot of 'hasty' decisions. Autosave is a function that is typically called by an OnEnter script -- when the PC enters an area, the OnEnter script runs the autosave function -- it should be guarded by a condition so it doesn't happen more than once. Apparently someone left out the condition ... or it may have been intended as a sort of "safepoint"

regardless, it should not happen when loading ...

I understand, thanks for the explanation. :)

More for the record:

When looting the house of mages you grab the scrolls in the tables but their icons/gfx dont disappear, no idea if it's intended or not.

000005 - scrolls.zip

No entry in the journal added for helping Baumar and his daughter, intended or bug?

Also no entry in the journal for accepting the quest involving the missing grandmother.

Items in red show you cant use those items but several items that Okku cant use display normal colors like if they were allowed.


Most of time the info in the loading screen shows hints about lore or what to do in the MOTB but sometimes it displays info related to the OC. IMO it should display only data about MOTB.

Quality of life's improvement: if possible make the data displayed in the loading screen be displayed in the dialog window, sometimes there is too much written and the loading is too fast to allow to read.

After i fought the 3 bears in the wells and living the dream literally i had another conversation with okku and i got the same dialog options that raise his influence again (i made use of them mind you :P) but this is obviously a bug.

The shou merchant outside mulsantir gave a quest and no entry in the journal was added.

2 bugs with chime of opening: 1 - many times i couldnt use the spell attached to it even being an area based spell, i tried even clicking in the chest itself and it didnt work, the spell is released at random, when the game wants it. 2 - the spell doesnt open the chest in heilari's house, save below:

000005 - Chime of opening.zip

Okku has 3 displays of his attack's data in the character screen after i finished the quest "Shaman's boon" to improve his strength.


Next report could be better but wont better because of my lazyness for creating a savegame, sorry 4 that. :/ - The 1st time you speak with Fentomy at the beach you can repeat the answers in his dialog that raise the influence with Safiya more than once.

In the screenshots you see when you select a savegame in the loading screen sometimes you see screenshots from earlier saves you made long time ago, i believe i even saw one from OC there.

Gann's intro in the black box is displayed again after i brought him back to the party.

Gann repeated intro

No idea if this is a bug from MOTB or a problem from tchos' GUI mod, the text isnt fully shown in the right side.

Big letters

Had several crashes (OC and MOTB): loading/closing the game with ALT+F4 but a strange thing happened, i had a crash when saving and my savegame was deleted, it would be probably be corrupted but it was strange anyway, dont remember any game doing this.

MOST SERIOUS BUG SO FAR: I loaded a quicksave right before the 2 guards in the coven and even though i had more than 65 in the spirit bar when i saved i ended up dead with spirit bar = ZERO and alone after loading the quicksave, savegame and image below.

000000 - quicksave.zip

Dead alone

Not sure if it's a bug or intended, if i choose to go in using the portal in the right side of the sunken city instead of the one at the front door and then kill all the hags once i leave the sunken city the ogre merchant and the mindflayer outside will attack me, this doesnt make sense since i didnt do anything against them (i saved the mindflayer inside). Likely caused by killing the coven but it doenst make sense because if you go through the front door instead of the one in the right side and kill the coven saving the mindflayer you are greeted by the mindflayer outside and gets an amulet as a gift, the merchant doesnt attack you either.

Going through the door in the right side of the building: after the skein and after the battle against the entire coven and their guards next you are able to talk with the lich and with the ogre slaver but not with the utrahki leader because he and his men arent there.

Related to the situation above: when i went through the portal in the front door and went all the way till the slumbering coven, i did the quests of the bard and minflayer but not the mage because the game just disappeared with him and went right to the coven. Sorry but no savegame, believe it or not i didnt even think about this as a bug at the time... :/

Sometimes i (and likely everyone too) get ghost loot, bags that you cant grab off the ground. Save below with 3 of them.

000006 - Ghost loot.zip

After finishing the slumbering coven related quests i arrived in mulsantir, now to find that everytime i load a game there i earn 500 xp for doing nothing, i went back to sunken city, everything is normal (just checked, this also happened in the farm/dreamworld in the wells of lurue, savegame again:

000000 - quicksave.zip

When giving a ring to Okku to raise his armor i get a msg saying he has several items giving an deflection AC bonus as show in the image but this is a lie, the amulet of natural armor doesnt deal with deflection, only the +4 protection ring i gave him raises the deflection armor, the other ring gives +6 bonus to fortitude.


Small oversight from devs: in the journal it says i need 2 reagents but i already have 2 of them, the leaves and the flask from sanctuary, new entries need to be added to show this:


When a body is looted he/she disappears but not Yurkov's body in ashenwood.


When finished the ancient knowledge's quest my lvl went up with Okku and Safiya but as you can see in the dialog window Safiya isnt mentioned.


No idea at all if this was intended or is it a bug but the room of the headmistress in Thay is totally black before you enter there, there was another area like this but i forgot where it is.


I know the game doesnt stack stats if you have more than 1 item that raises that stat, but i got +3 intelligence due to influence with Safiya, now my int = 17 and i got a +6 intelligence amulet which should raise it to 23 but it raised to 20 likely because of this, the flaw in this logic is that i didnt earn my intelligence due any item. Perhaps intended by the devs but i was wondering if this could be a bug too.

For some reason i saved right in the front of the door of myrkul's temple, closed the game, loaded again and i was a bit far from where i saved, this happened in other areas too, save below:

000000 - quicksave.zip

This started to happen a bit often now in the last part of the game: when given the command "guard me" one character or another doesnt move but if i choose "attack nearest" then the character attacks, this happened with kaelyn and okku, who knows why.

This should be the last one (gonna finish the game a few times again), Storm of Zehir next. :)

kevL commented 3 years ago

| This should be the last one (gonna finish the game a few times again), Storm of Zehir next. :)

sounds ok :)

some of these can be fixed with a bit of time n effort

Felipefpl commented 3 years ago

sounds ok :)

some of these can be fixed with a bit of time n effort

indeed, but it seems i spoke too soon :P - i remembered to report something i saw.

Safyia - when using energy drain on enemies i noticed a few things:

1 - there is no msg saying if i hit them or not. 2 - there is no msg saying how many levels were drained. 3 - there is no msg saying if the enemy has immunity against it.

Perhaps i may find something again, now i'm gonna bring vann to the party and let okku out (saved b4 the portal), let's see what happens.

Edit - deleted all saves, now on storm of zehir :P