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Wave of bugs - Storm of Zehir (SPOILERS HERE) #54

Open Felipefpl opened 3 years ago

Felipefpl commented 3 years ago

A single greataxe in the hands of the party leader went to my 4th companion, a cleric (i didnt make her equip it), as you can see in the pic below she is shown with the axe equipped in the weapon's box but she's not really using it. I also will add a savegame to be investigated.

When talking to the patrol and using diplomacy/intimidate/bluff skills there is no msg saying if it was a success or a failure. Now thinking about it there were situations in MOTB where this also happened (perhaps it happened in the OC too).

REALLY small bug: after talking with the doomsayer till she has only the generic answers NPC-like she doesnt speak her lines properly, they are cut, also when clicking ONCE on her sometimes 2 lines are displayed instead of just one.


The game offers the options to use/bash/open lock of the stone pylon at the beach yet you cant do any of those:


The "F" key attached to quickcast stopped working for cleric/wizard (doenst know if it happens to other classes), to make it work again i have to go to keymapping and then confirm the "F" key as the quickcast key again (the "F" key is still set to quickcast as its default key).

I have only 4 characters so far but the 6 spaces in the place reserved for the characters are filled with 2 repeated characters.


Related to the above: i also got a situation where only 1 character (the party leader) was displayed.

When i go to the overland map only one character is shown but if i choose another one then i have a 2nd character following the new leader, for consistency it should be only one.

The prices at the bartering screens should differ when there are characters with less/more charisma than the others, at least it's like this on OC. Here the prices are all the same.

The msgs about the finished quests are coming BEFORE the quests are even finished, this happened A LOT of times. The pic below about the disturbances' quest is one of the examples.


Related to the quest above: the invisible attacker wasnt invisible at all... it would be a good idea to make it come under the invisibility spell to make the statement in the journal be true.

Related to the quest above: once the quest is finished the leader of the lumber camp tell me that the golem maker needs help but she doesnt say anything, i needed to get out to go around places before i was able to get her quest, there is NO quest/situation at all preventing her quest/dialog from showing up. Her quest is "Lumber Camp - Infestation".

When talking with captain Lastri before freeing her i chose an answer that should give points toward good aligment but i didnt get anything, game design or a bug?

Game design or bug? Is it strange that the bounties have no entries in the journal, i'm not sure this is a bug but i thought it's worth a mention.

Pathfinding: the place in the pic below makes the characters get stuck, there is an invisible blocker there.


The GUI below has a look native to Storm of Zehir but it shows up randomly (it's somewhat ugly too), most of times is the normal GUI that shows up, is this a game design error? How to disable it?


Quests are being added in the journal before i even agree to accept them.

Sometimes when changing characters in the overland map the character you choose to go around is invisible.


Some items dont stack correctly in the bounty satchel, i can have 18 gleamers but not 8 spider sacks.


3 bugs to report based in the image/save below:

1 - the transparent conversation GUI instead of the black bars on top/bottom of the screen. 2 - in the 1st time i had this conversation nothing happened like this, i had a standard conversation like the ones we have with merchants. 3 - once i loaded the quicksave the conversation started right away, i didnt click on Sa'sani to talk with her and now thinking about it i remember there were occasions in the OC and MOTB where this happened too, unfortunately i dont remember where... :/



About the parrot quest: i talked with Vadynia and she says she'll only give me the parrot if i find another pet to exchange with her with the merchants of the underdark but they dont talk to me about this, before she had a line where she repeated this for me but now this line disappeared from her dialog and apparently there is no way to solve it now.

I got a ruin fragment and now Volo has a line related to get it, it's about a quest "Samargol - Sightseeing" that isnt written in the journal since it was never spoken about, the quest is shown only after you give him the stone.

Gave lastri to one of many, this should raise my points toward evil but it didnt happen as you can see in the pic. I have a lawful evil wizard that is 85/15.


Game design or bug? The loot drop makes no sense, dinosaurs and will o wisps drop it all the time but it's hard to get something from the others. since idk about coding i wonder if this was intentional.

The msg "Canceled Rest" is shown even if i rested or if i didnt rest yet but didnt click in the "cancel" button.

Nimbre - if you talk with the captain first he doesnt say his name but if you go in the loremaster's house and kill haldric an entry in the journal says to speak with him (strange since he doesnt mention his name, oversight from devs?) and after you solve the quest the villagers still say the same lines they said before i freed them (perhaps their code didnt check if the quest was solved?) In the save below i killed haldric but didnt talk with the captain yet.


The descriptin in the pic below is wrong since there is no crowd for the bards in the 1st city below the map, only Finch and the innkeeper and a single patron.

The 2 bards playing in the inns of the sword coast cities show up (or not) randomly when loading a game, bug or game design?


The doors of the inns of the sword coast dont open when you are leaving, either they lack the animations or a bug is preventing this from happening.

Is intended that Finch shows up in every inn till i solve his quest? I'm in doubt if this is a bug or not.

kevL commented 3 years ago

| The 2 bards playing in the inns of the sword coast cities show up (or not) randomly when loading a game, bug or game design?

they spawn (or not) randomly at the inn(s). Yep it's an oversight that it's not tracked between loads ...

| The doors of the inns of the sword coast dont open when you are leaving

that bugs the heck out of me ... no doors open after PC transitions into an area ...

Felipefpl commented 3 years ago

they spawn (or not) randomly at the inn(s). Yep it's an oversight that it's not tracked between loads ...

I see, interesting.

that bugs the heck out of me ... no doors open after PC transitions into an area ...

That means that the animations for the doors are there? In the meanwhile more bugs:

Eommar in Port Llast mentions Clara, i remember the wench in the OC but she isnt here anywhere (perhaps intended by the devs but who knows?


Bug when adding a new ability to the weapons, I clicked to make my weapon a holy one with the cost of 8000 but instead it added (or better, try to add again) an enchantment to make my weapon +2 with the cost of 4000 as it shows in the pic, before that the opposite also happened. Save below to help too.



kevL commented 3 years ago

| That means that the animations for the doors are there?

yepr. The doors can be scripted to open in the OnEnter of an area (or placed open in the module itself )

Felipefpl commented 3 years ago

yepr. The doors can be scripted to open in the OnEnter of an area (or placed open in the module itself)

I see, good to know, it seems something easy to fix, too bad i dont have the ability to code. :/

Now comes one hard to reproduce, i couldnt trade with the wood elf because the bartering screen disappeared when clicking anywhere on it, i went to fight and then when i tried again the problem disappeared, but it was strange, it seems the bartering GUI was having a conflict with the overland map screen, a save below in case it's needed.


The cleric doesnt follow the order to heal the party or me if there are a small number of healing spells left, it hardly uses the heal spell even if a character has all spells and one of the characters is almost dying or knocked out, the pic below shows how many spells i had and my cleric healing another because i had to do "manually"


The rogue has its combat ability disabled to use her feats the most and she doesnt use the sneak attack as often as i'd like to.

kevL commented 3 years ago

| it seems something easy to fix

it is But i don't do it 'cause a) it's just an aesthetic fix b) it would be tedious to hunt down umpteen files and do the same thing in each one (with just enough difference in each to make it really irritating ;)

ps. yes that wood elf is a bit weird ... haven't tracked it down yet/tho

Felipefpl commented 3 years ago

| it seems something easy to fix

it is But i don't do it 'cause a) it's just an aesthetic fix b) it would be tedious to hunt down umpteen files and do the same thing in each one (with just enough difference in each to make it really irritating ;)

I see, i guess it would be around 10 files? Maybe many more?

ps. yes that wood elf is a bit weird ... haven't tracked it down yet/tho

HARD to reproduce, no need to worry too much about this one. ;)

Bug or game design? The appraise skill decreases the prices to buy but it doesnt increase the prices to sell items, if this is by design this is A REALLY BAD DECISION from the devs (not counting the prices the items have after you sell them to the merchants, some can be bought back for a price around 28x bigger than the value you sold it, i believe i can find items with prices even bigger than that).

The conversation in the cold iron mine has a bug: 2 characters (fighter and rogue) with ZERO skill in spellcraft have a spellcraft skill attached to the conversation while my wizard who has spellcraft = 31 doesnt have this option. Save below.


After giving back the shawl to Goodwife Aruna in West Harbor the same dialog you had when you first met her repeats itself, perhaps intended but i'm not sure.

kevL commented 3 years ago

| i guess it would be around 10 files? Maybe many more?

many more

Felipefpl commented 3 years ago

many more

That's bad to see. :/ - hopefully someone will face this.

Bug in the journal's notes - I wrote notes about the prices of the cities for the goods/resources so i could sell them to the highest prices, when checking the prices of new leaf EVERYTHING i wrote was deleted.... I had to load again (i'm also using tchos' mods in case that helps), anyway, i'm gonna write my notes in notepad to avoid this but this is a bug nonetheless.

kevL commented 3 years ago

| Bug in the journal's notes

yep, bad bug. Lance Botelle says that a workaround is very complicated. So yeh, don't trust it use Notepad

Felipefpl commented 3 years ago

yep, bad bug. Lance Botelle says that a workaround is very complicated. So yeh, don't trust it use Notepad

Good to know. :)

Bug with the quest "Crossroad Keep - Researching Merchants" - the merchant Zhiir in the underdark market and irim mendar in samargol dont have the line to tell me about the experience of being a merchant, since everyone except the priests of waukeen have this line (i didnt go to neverwinter yet, wanna do all merchants' upgrades first) i'm guessing it's a bug.

When going up the mountain road to reach Torich in Samarlach the character goes slower even walking in the road.

kevL commented 3 years ago

| When going up the mountain road to reach Torich in Samarlach the character goes slower even walking in the road.

not sure if you're aware that the overlandmap is divided into subareas that affect movement rate ... i haven't looked but perhaps the mountains really slow the party down (even when on the road? )

Felipefpl commented 3 years ago

not sure if you're aware that the overlandmap is divided into subareas that affect movement rate ... i haven't looked but perhaps the mountains really slow the party down (even when on the road? )

Yeh, i read the manual about the speed modifiers on different terrains but i noticed the speed sometimes doesnt change even when changing the terrain where you're walking (this changes after a while but even so it's a bug), this doesnt happen only when walking to torich.

The scene of the tavern boy/jesentus parr leaving the inn in conyberry repeats itself long time after i solved the quest of parrum's rock mine. They shouldnt be there.


When talking with the torm's paladin in the wailing wench with a cleric of lathander i get 2 equal phrases in the dialog.


Inconsistency - the inns of teh game have the sound of a talkative big crowd even when there are a small number of ppl or no one except the owner there.

When i rest in the merchant's house at crossroad keep there is no msg saying i rested for 8 hours.

When talking with Quarrel there is no mention of why i earn experience talking to him, no mention that is because i finished his quest (i admit i dont remember if i earned xp when the msg saying i finished his quest right in the beginning of the conversation was written but i'm guessing so)


Sating the sensate part 3 - as you can see in the pic below it says i needed 3 items to solve the quest but i solved using only the 2 items below.


New leaf - when dealing with the forktongued bandits in the shortage of supplies' quest (outside and inside their hideout) my weapons cant apply the 2D6 damage vs evil beings described in the pic below (made all characters use those weapons made with the holy weapon's recipe), they are OBVIOUSLY evil since if you right-click to examine them it says they go at you with a robbery/murderous intention.


In the singing cavern in samarlach you still get a description that a woman sings there in the entrance of the cavern, also inside the cavern you still make use of the listen skill to detect where she is even after the quest was solved.

REALLY minor stuff (whispers in the marsh quest): when speaking to Ginni lannon in west harbor she gives no answer unlike every NPC there.

Jan's portrait became black after dealing with sheydann in the mere of dead men (whispers in the marsh quest):


(Perhaps not a bug) My chaotic good character got an (intimidate) evil line to my lawful evil didnt, it's the one below (whispers in the marsh quest):


I got a poison arrow that i cant sell because it costs less than 1 gp or better, -1038 gp to be exact (after solving the whispers in the marsh quest):


(whispers in the marsh quest) Another bug (or game design) feature related to jan in west harbor, if i choose to talk with jan 1st i can get a conversation with several branches that dont happen if i choose to talk with aruna instead, also, in this jan's conversation with branches he rewards me an item but when i looked in the inventory i didnt earn anything.

Lady Jenelle in neverwinter doesnt give me any standard NPC answer after solving the quest of Finch.

When talking with manycoins in the waukeen's temple in neverwinter i got a line that belonged to the priest girl and the conversation didnt go forward, i had to press ESC to leave the dialog (only my lawful evil wizard had that line).

Update: the same problem happened when talking to ahri golemkin in the lumber camp, this time it happened with all characters, i had again to quit the conversation with ESC.


Brotherhood outpost - i cant get the treasure over the table and neither one of the gold piles over the bed, save below:


I cant talk with the pirate wenches at the cave, i believe this can be by design but i also believe it can be a bug, save below:


In the place where the 2 gnomes yes/no are in the upper right side of the map i can fight creatures that are in the other side of the river if i click on them.

When using the "Greater Dispel Magic" in the portal shown below i get a msg saying that crafting failed because i dont have a valid recipe (i know it's useless to use the spell there, had to try something :P but even so it's a bug ;) ).


In the 3rd and last level of the world serpent temple the bodies of the yuan-ti disappear but this doesnt happen in the 2nd level, neither with their human allies.

Changing ppl on bartering screen sometimes dont change the prices, one must close the screen and open it again with the char with the biggest appraise skill in order to work.

Teh pic below shows a megaraptor who becomes black in the battlefield, this one has a problem, when attacking him with a crossbow the game makes my character stop attacking him from a far distance, then it makes my character walk till to be close to the raptor and only then attack him.


The diseased townsfolk in the pic has a bug that i solved with a workaround: they were too close to the viper temple, so close that i couldnt click on them, i always ended up clicking in the temple, then i walked in their direction and they moved, i should have remembered this is possible, i was able to solve the problem but this is still a bug since they werent moving at all when they were there.


Sword coast had a blue encounter involving a warrior defending a mage against some ppl that i examined to see what it was about but before i was able to contact them the encounter disappeared, unlike the scholar that is always there aside crossroad keep i never saw them again. :/

Game design or bug? I'm able to buy a single coin of life in Torich but i can buy infinite ones in Taruin.

The dancers in Taruin's tavern and Rassatan's tavern doesnt have a line attached to them like every NPC in the game (perhaps intended?)

The tavern's owner in Torich doesnt offer any rumors after i spend time away from the city unlike the one from Taruin (REALLY small stuff i know ;) )

The Rassatan's fisherman in Rassatan's tavern seems like the guy from the cabin by the beach that complained scared about a ghost tormenting him but i'm not sure about that or if a quest related to that is a cut content or has a bug that prevented the quest from happening.

The game calculates the speed really bad in the overland map: for lots of times my character(s) moved TOO FAST like if they were on haste (it lasts around 3 seconds) and then it goes back to normal.

IA of the partners seem to be crazy inside the world's serpent temple, unless i tell them to stand their ground they will go hunting enemies to hit, even if they are far away from anybody's sight, also the commands dont seem to work much if teh characters are too far away.

For a few times the game dont display the amount of trade bars you earn as you can see in the pic. I keep earning the bars but no display, likely hard to reproduce since it doesnt happen all the time.


I spent some leveling up in the viper's temple area and when i came back i earned this amount of trade bars below (btw, the game didnt allow me to change most of that value for gold and also i dont know if this is intended by game design or it's a bug).


Pathfinding: the game seems to have a problem with narrow places such as the one between the well and the house in Crossroad Keep, sometimes the game makes you walk around it.

The level 0 druid spells are between the lv 4 and lv 5 ones:


The description of the dude below is OBVIOUSLY wrong (i REALLY hope this wasnt intended by the devs):


kevL commented 3 years ago

re. "There is nothing special about this object."

Open your Dialog.Tlk in TlkEdit2, find that line ... delete the text and save the file (after backing it up ofc)

Felipefpl commented 3 years ago

TlkEdit2 is outdated/bugged, it doesnt work with newer versions of java. ;) - you are also forgetting A LOT of things in the game have that description. ;) - and now coming to think about it i must say......... i sinned :/ - there were other important items with that description that likely have other description attached to them and i didnt report them, sorry about that. :/

Bug - i'm level 22 and in the overland map the wyverns who are EL = 15 run from me but assassins (both snake-like and those who have human form) who are EL = 13 see me and walk to fight me.

I didnt add the doomguide of kelemvor to my party and even so i was able to see his ending.

I cant report the new locations that i found to volo thus not being able to earn what is probably the last feat related to him, save below and i reported the locations before and after finishing the world serpent temple quest plus the quest related to the red wizard in neverwinter.


King Karagg at mount hotenow has the same generic description of the generic fire giants that are with him, likely a bug, this maybe happens with the fire giant at the forge too.

Got the recipe to enchant to weapons to become +3 but i wasnt able to change the enchantment of my weapons to +3, strange since i was able to enchant my armor to +4.

Unless i can remember something else this is the end and westgate next. :)

kevL commented 3 years ago

| you are also forgetting A LOT of things in the game have that description.

this is actually why it should/needs to be changed in Dialog.Tlk ... if you can, just delete the text-string from Dialog.Tlk and never see "nothing special" again. I mean, pardon the expression but it's a stupid dialog entry in a role-playing game ... it's for the player to decide if something is special or not, if you get my drift Felipe

| Unless i can remember something else this is the end and westgate next. :)

okie doke. Unfortunately im way too preoccupied to poke at these reports atm. But it's good to have them documented ...

ps. Maybe ill write a quick Dialog editor in c#/.net ... TlkEdit2 is starting to get on my nerves :\

Felipefpl commented 3 years ago

this is actually why it should/needs to be changed in Dialog.Tlk ... if you can, just delete the text-string from Dialog.Tlk and never see "nothing special" again. I mean, pardon the expression but it's a stupid dialog entry in a role-playing game ... it's for the player to decide if something is special or not, if you get my drift Felipe

i see, i reported the entry because i thought the real description could be there someone, perhaps not implemented because of bug(s) or content that was cut because of budget/lack of time (the game has A LOT of those from what i saw).

okie doke. Unfortunately im way too preoccupied to poke at these reports atm. But it's good to have them documented ...

i understand, the other contributors are likely busy like you, no problem. ;)

ps. Maybe ill write a quick Dialog editor in c#/.net ... TlkEdit2 is starting to get on my nerves :\

i guess the owner of tlkedit disappeared then? Good to know you may come with a solution.