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Wave of bugs - Mysteries of Westgate (SPOILERS HERE) #56

Open Felipefpl opened 3 years ago

Felipefpl commented 3 years ago

The dockworker below appears like he's perpetually selected but the mouse arrow isnt over him. (Edit: this happened with several NPCs during the game, not only here).


I have diplomacy/bluff/intimidate skills set at the max i can in teh beginning of the game and even so i cant use any of them against fulgrim, either a poor design decision of the devs or perhaps there are bug(s) with the checks?

When talking with salty jack i cant give him money endlessly if i want to, no money being given is shown at the dialog window unless i choose the options that arent related to that.

The button "All" sometimes is displayed in the character screen and sometimes it's not, see below, before only Rinara didnt display them, now it happened with all characters.


I'm able to lockpick the door at the track (before talking with the halfling) but i cant open it because the quest havent been triggered yet, there should be a message saying "Perhaps you'll be able to go in once you do something first" because there arent any explanation for this right now.

The description of skyrim is wrong since he doesnt have green skin:


Clicking in the "All" button in the behavior tab worked most of time (except for the main character) in the OC but now in the expansions it's useless, i have to config the actions for each character.

Like in the OC/previous expansions you see the rolling of the dice in some situations but not all of them.

Also, you earn xp for example: using the diplomacy skill in some situations but not others, unless you earn xp but it's not displayed in the dialog window, either way a bug.

The command to make charissa "heal" you doesnt work during combat.

Brotherhood of the ferret quest: I changed from black robes to armor and the game shows my characters like if they were using a black cape even when they are wearing none.


I went through several dialog options to see the reactions after the dog's race, i was seeing the cutscene of the race normally and all of a sudden it stopped working, now i get a "normal" view from the dog's race, the save below is from after telling tudor i gave the potion to his dog.

No cutscene for dog race.zip

The character below refers to me as "human" while he has a human body/portrait himself, could be he an elf/half-elf or something like that? (Edit : the bard at bent mermaid inn is another person who does this).


The game gives me the signet ring before i get the message to retrieve the ring from the ground as seen in the dialog window:


The day/night cycles seem messed up, the nights last longer, a bug unless this was the devs' intention.

The iron golem isnt affected by the attack spells of my cleric except the 6th level chain lighting. I checked the internet to know if iron golems have any resistance against fire or other kind of spells but they dont, save right before the fight below:

000002 - 1.zip

I solved dimples' quest but didnt heal her ankle since my heal skill was = -1, now my heal skill = 1 and i healed her and she told me to tell Marv she'll be back, now i'm at the tavern and when i talk to Marv i get the same questions/answers from when the quest was active (the yellow written message shown when a quest changed in the journal is displayed) i even get the potions as a reward, save below.


I lose influence with Mantides even if no crew member of the ship dies during the fight against Rabid Red and his minions in the hideout, it makes no sense.

The white circle that shows where you are going after you click on the ground isnt shown when you click inside the ship that brought you to westgate.

2 bugs in one place: before the mausoleum quest Mantides says he'll be at black eye's tavern, i solved the quest and now i'm there but only Charissa can be seen inside, i can select him before i leave though, also, if you talk with Little Davey you'll get the same conversation from when you talked with him for the 1st time, save below:

Mantides not there.zip

The book over the table of kajeel doesnt have a specific description (Edit: you find the same book in the ebon claws hideout with the correct description).


Pathfinding: the arena fights are a nightmare, the characters either dont move or go half-way and go back to where the main character is, this happens everywhere in the game but it's worse here even if you turn AI off. It doesnt matter if you choose to attack nearest or to guard me.

The lizard witch at undergate disappeared after i solved the quest involving the quest of the daughter-in-law which doesnt make any sense since she didnt disappeared while i was in front of her after i told her to remove the curse, save below:


In undergate the dao genie complained about being a slave to kajeel but now kajeel is dead and he tells me to not bother him? I was wondering if there was a dialog cut from the final release that handles this differently or perhaps another dialog that didnt show up.

The slaves in the compound have a death scream when you click on them even if they arent dying from the gas. Also, the slaves dont go away once freed. They just stay there complaining about the exit even when it's already opened.

Death scream.zip

When fighting one vs one in the arena if you save during the fight against the twilight knight 2 things can happen:

1 - if you saved and loaded after he summoned any creature the creature will disappear after loading.

2 - if you saved and loaded when you fight him he may show up fully healed or with more hp than he had when you saved. Of course there were times where i saved and loaded and the hp was the same (this happens randomly).

I told the lizard master that was talking with kajeel right before kajeel ran to his room that he should go there to see what was happening for himself, he and his henchman went to kajeel's room, after i went there only the adventurers that killed kajeel were there but not the lizard master.

Crafting: not exactly a bug, more of a possible restoration, the game offers lots of books to craft cool stuff yet there are no materials to do this crafting, either this wasnt done by devs' design or this was something that was cut from the final release due to lack of time/budget/whatever.

Again, perhaps a bad game design decision: the black mist in the thayan compound that damage the characters is treated like "someone", never saw a hidden rogue hit me and there are no mention of vampires being there.


This happened more than once, all my characters including the party leader were still alive when the fight against the dukes just ended with no explanation or message saying my party leader died due a death spell, save right before the fight below:


The price of the items the shady hucksters' sell doesnt match what you can get from them: i bought items that was said they were worth the double but if i buy an item of 1000 i can sell it for 1147 with the apprase skill i have.

Strange bug: i went to undergate to find an item that will raise my listen skill to solve the BTW's quest and my main character went 1 lvl up (2500 xp for doing nothing, after some time i found out you can keep earning that amount when you load a game at undergate) and the other 2 characters didnt get any xp at all. Save below:

Lvl up.zip

Mantides had level(s) drained and was able to recover them resting. This happened inside the winery.

After killing kriox you cant loot her body clicking on her but you can use sleight of hand to rob her several times (perhaps endlessly)? Save below.


The waitress with an eye patch that serves you the elder brew isnt anywhere to be seen at kajeel's place before that event. There is no bartender there too, bad game design, cut content or bugs?

2 errors in kajeel's: after malahrvan drank the elder brew and fall in the ground the game reports him as dead (wrong since he's unconscious which is the proper word) and his body disappears after you get the cloak (wrong again because he isnt dead).

I'll post this because i want to be sure this is a bug: my lore skill is 35 thanks to fox's cunning plus a ring of insight and even so i cant succed when i use the skill in the statue of laduguer, save below:

statue of laduguer.zip

Decided to choose the evil path first: in the path to reach tasheni i was damaged several times by her wererats and my HP bar wasnt reduced.

During the fight against tasheni and her minions most of times my henchmen disappeared from being displayed at the right side of the screen so i cant give them orders, i had one situation where this didnt happen and i was able to give commands to them, save right before the fight below:


Related to evil path: the quest "Embracing the night" doesnt go to completed quests section after you read the tutorial.

Good path: when using the mask and the wraith(s) appear(s) i cant move my character in any direction even if i'm not paralyzed or my path is blocked. Save below:

Cant move.zip

The same problem that happened with the main character earning too much xp for nothing happened now with mantides AFTER he became a paladin again (i only earned 3000 xp and now i can raise my lvl more than once), save below:

Mantides and xp.zip

During the fight against zymena i was able to use knockdown on her even with her size being likely too big to able to do this, i couldnt use knockdown against the giant in the arena due to his size.

Finished the game wearing the mask but also wearing a helm but i'm always shown with the mask (still cursed with 2 wraiths, which doesnt make sense since i ended the banshee's suffering/slavery/curse). Since i finished the game with the lathanderites i'll go now with the ebon claws (and an exported character, i dont wanna go through the suffering of raising levels again). ;)

Fine, started a new game with a character at level 17 and diplomacy = 16/intimidate = 33 and even so no success with fulgrim, also i got way more gold than i should, pic/save below:


fulgrim, skillz n gold.zip

You'll find those skills useless again if you use the save above to talk with the ebon claws. I wonder if those really are bugs or the devs did this to waste our time/make fools of us like when we have 3, 4 perhaps even 5 dialog options that will give us the SAME answers.....

Pathfinding: a bug that i could have reported in the 1st play, inside the track i cant walk a short distance till the bartender, this also happe in other places, i get the error msg below:


I set Rinara to disarm traps/open locks and she only does those once in a while, i had to control her several times to do this, even inside the temple of Leira she and also garret only do those once in a while.

I cant enter through the front door of Rumbolt's house after i unlocked the door from inside, if i click on it nothing happens and if i choose to bash it i get the msg below, savegame added too.


Cant go in.zip

Small bug: talk to altama to accept the quest of lathander's statue, she'll say a phrase you wont be able to see because the scene is cut quickly, save below:

Scene quickly cut.zip

Level 18 + fox cunning + ring of insight + using all skill points i could made my lore = 34 and even so i cant decipher the androsphinx text below:

Androsphinx text.zip

Did the same above plus a lore potion and i couldnt use the lore skill in the statue of laduguer, my lore was 38 (idk if the potion of lore + ring of insight is stackable, i know the GUI doesnt update in real time, if i want to see the real value i must save/load the game. Also, the potion of lore shouldnt give me 5 extra points and my skill shouldnt be 39 because of that? (in case it's stackable).

When fighting the drow and his minions for the duergar i got the same problem i had in the OC where a reward bag you get from killing enemies can be seen but you cant get it. I also had this problem when fighting the duergar before i got this quest.

A bug i should have reported before: my party in both playthroughs ALWAYS got stuck in the place below in the thayan compound, they dont move forward when i command "attack nearest" or "follow me", they just stay there, pic/save below:



It seems the slaves are bugged both ways, in the 1st time i freed them and they refused to leave even when they could, now i choose go after falucca killing them in the process and now there arent any bodies in the room where they are, this quicksave is right before the fight against falucca:

No dead slaves.zip

Altama said i should go to shaman's house at night to avoid disturbing him but if i go in there at night he's there to confront me, save below:

lizard shaman.zip

The 2 ogres in the compound have names, usually an indication the character also has a specific description but both have generic ogres' descriptions.

After you talked with falucca and found out what her real name is the game still refers to her as "Thayan Wizard".

The sword "sly blade" has a negative energy damage that should heal the undead but it doesnt.

Perhaps a bug with the animations: LOTS of times when i attack the enemies i hit them once but damage them twice.

3 problems involving situations close to each other:

1 - Diplomacy = 17/Intimidate = 37 and i couldnt talk my way out of battle with Altama EXCEPT when i used the bluff skill = 4, that's it... only 4 and i was able to stop the battle.

2 - When going back to Harbor's Loop to check if Altama/her gang were there i didnt get the vision from Elandra after i used to portal to go back, even so when i went up all the way to winery i got the message that i should go to undergate (notice that this message is displayed only AFTER you killed Orbahk/fought Tasheni), it doesnt make sense to see this message since i didnt get her vision telling me to go to undergate. Also, if you see the vision of Elandra you cant go back to westgate at all.

3 - After winning Altama with the bluff skill she says they're going back to hideout, i went back there (WITHOUT GOING TO ORBAHK'S ROOM TO PIERCE HIS HEART) and no one was there, neither in the Altama's shop.

I hope i wasnt too confusing with my explanation, save below (you'll need to fight Orbahk 1st):

3 Bugs.zip

Kill Orbahk and you talk with tasheni, in the cutscene after Mantides says his last lines to tasheni she can be seen speaking in the cutscene yet neither can you hear or read what she says, save below:


I arrived at Elandra wearing the mask as she requested in the vision and even so she still asks me to put the mask to protect myself from her and she still attacks me, bugs or oversights? (I cant believe i didnt report this the 1st time i played, this simply DIDNT come into my mind before...)

A matter for investigation: there are houses at harbor's loop where you cant go, it doesnt matter if you follow the ebon claws or the lathander church, possibly a case for restoration of content.

Aside the bug above i got again the ending where the wraiths are in the cutscene of the ending even after i destroyed the curse and that's it. I need a rest from neverwinter now. :P