nwn2fixes / player

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Fix for Zalantar Heavy Shield UTI #58

Closed bfair123 closed 5 months ago

bfair123 commented 5 months ago

I updated the .uti for Zalantar Heavy Shield to fix the bug where it is missing +2 AC.

kevL commented 5 months ago

hello, I merged the UTI -- but noticed that the UTI has a bunch of irrelevant entries (eg. armor accessories) that some of the Nwn2 uti's mistakenly get (somehow). Re-exporting the UTI from the toolset reduces the filesize from ~12kb to ~3kb.

I've done that and committed the smaller UTI to my local repo, but since I'll be working on a whackload of commits before pushing to the repo (it could take a few months) the reduced UTI won't be publicly available till then ...


bfair123 commented 5 months ago

OK, thanks for doing that and for letting me know. I really appreciate it. By the way, the GeneralGFF tool you made is really handy, you did a great job on it.

kevL commented 5 months ago

thanks :)