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Crashing during transition while possessing creature makes you unable to possess creature again until server restart #1654

Open egebilecen opened 1 year ago

egebilecen commented 1 year ago

When a creature possesed using NWNX_Player_PossessCreature() and client crashes during area transition, you cannot possess another creature on that player character until server restart. And a log something akin to Character is already possessing a familiar displayed on server terminal in red color whenever NWNX_Player_PossessCreature() invoked again. Function itself also returns FALSE.

mtijanic commented 1 year ago

What if you call

// This will cause a Player Creature to unpossess his/her familiar.  It will work if run
// on the player creature or the possessed familiar.  It does not work in conjunction with
// any DM possession.
void UnpossessFamiliar(object oCreature);

when the player relogs? Try with oCreature being both the player and the creature they were possessing previously.

egebilecen commented 1 year ago

I did call that function, nothing happened unfortunately. Calls to NWNX_Player_PossessCreature() still kept failing.

GMXanther commented 1 year ago

Can confirm this issue. If you skip the unpossession event (via NWNX_Events: NWNX_ON_UNPOSSESS_FAMILIAR_BEFORE) to "trap" a character in possession at all, it also triggers this glitch if they log out.