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Where does ServerLogRedirector write the log file? #214

Closed Seablack closed 6 years ago

Seablack commented 6 years ago

Hello everybody,

Excuse my ignorance and my English. I uploaded a PW thanks your NWNX:EE. All good except that I can not get the log file in the logs.0 folder, it's in the same place where I have the * .so files. I do not understand.

I have just a question. Where does ServerLogRedirecto write the log file?. And if there is any way to configure the ServerLogRedirector, where does it has to write the log file?.

Thanks for everything.

mtijanic commented 6 years ago

Hi, sorry for the late reply. You can think of ServerLogRedirector as a T junction (like tee) that leaves the logs where they were, but also sends a copy to stdout. Typically, the script you use to preload NWNX and run nwserver will redirect output to a file, such as:

 LD_PRELOAD=NWNX_Core.so ./nwserver-linux -module 'mymod' > log.txt

in which case log.txt will contain logs from both NWN and NWNX.

Seablack commented 6 years ago

Thank your.