nwoolls / MultiMiner

Graphical application for crypto-coin mining
MIT License
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Unhandled Exception error at start up when Enabling Multiminer Remoting is enabled #179

Closed hcminers closed 9 years ago

hcminers commented 9 years ago

For several releases now, Multiminer was starting up will display an exception error. I tracked it back to the Enable Multiminer Remoting feature. If this feature is unchecked or disabled the application starts without the error; however, this feature is very useful for monitoring my other machine and I desperately need it.

At first, I suspected there was possibly a bug; however, it seems that my WMI records were corrupt. I stopped WMI service and launched the application once again and no error. Restarted my PC and application started without any errors. Is it possible one of my previous upgrades may have been to the cause of the corruption?

nwoolls commented 9 years ago

I was going to ask your OS as that is exactly right - it seems that the WMI namespace that MultiMiner expects to be there (for determining the PC's workgroup name) was not found until you restarted the WMI service.

nwoolls commented 9 years ago

This is the line of code that was throwing the exception:


Did you change your Machine Name at any point?

Edit: tested changing the Machine Name in Windows and then restarting MultiMiner without restarting Windows but no issues. It's hard to say what may have been causing the error aside from some transient problem with WMI.

hcminers commented 9 years ago

I have not changed the name of my Windows 8.1 PC, so it is strange that the name was not as expected.

Still, thank you for your response and time looking into this. I hope this situation will not occur again; even though, I now have the workaround. I do hope this information leads to new ideas or possible improvements. I truly believe this is a great product and hope you can continue its improvements for many versions to come. Thank you for your dedication and efforts to the crypto community.

nwoolls commented 9 years ago

Closing the issue - you are welcome & thank you for your kind words