nwrkbiz / android-xserver

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Not working with PySide2 app unsupported screen format #30

Open llebout opened 3 years ago

llebout commented 3 years ago


Thanks for this app! Opens interesting possibilities about cross platform GNU/Linux and Android/Linux apps!

Here is the log:

Unsupported screen format: depth: 32, bits_per_pixel: 24, red_mask: ff0000, blue_mask: ff Using RGB32 fallback, if this works your X11 server is reporting a bad screen format.

The application is rfcat and it's spectrum analyzer (d.specan(freq) command)


nwrkbiz commented 3 years ago

Can you please share an link to the app causing the problem?

llebout commented 3 years ago

@nwrkbiz Here's it : https://github.com/atlas0fd00m/rfcat/blob/master/rflib/ccspecan.py

Qinka commented 2 years ago

I got the same error with OpenCV and Python

here is the code:

import cv2
import numpy as np
print(cv2.__version__, np.__version__)
cv2.imshow('test', (np.random.rand(480, 640, 3) * 255).astype('uint8'))

output is

4.5.5 1.22.2
Unsupported screen format: depth: 32, bits_per_pixel: 24, red_mask: ff0000, blue_mask: ff
Unsupported screen format: depth: 32, bits_per_pixel: 24, red_mask: ff0000, blue_mask: ff
Unsupported screen format: depth: 32, bits_per_pixel: 24, red_mask: ff0000, blue_mask: ff
Unsupported screen format: depth: 32, bits_per_pixel: 24, red_mask: ff0000, blue_mask: ff
Using RGB32 fallback, if this works your X11 server is reporting a bad screen format.
[1]    1513957 segmentation fault (core dumped)  python test.py

python: 3.8.12