nx10 / httpgd

Asynchronous http server graphics device for R.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Add explanation on how to render httpgd plots below an rmarkdown chunk #104

Closed tatakof closed 2 years ago

tatakof commented 2 years ago

Hello, amazing package.

I just saw Kun Ren's talk on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xXBDU2z_8Y

But I can't find a way to render httpgd plots inside an rmarkdown chunk like Kun did in the talk

Screenshot from 2022-03-23 17-03-17

Maybe add a description on how to do this?


renkun-ken commented 2 years ago

The httpgd plots are actually not inside or below a rmarkdown chunk in the same editor, it is actually in separate tabs in another editor group.

Install httpgd, enable r.plot.useHttpgd in vscode settings, and the httpgd plot viewer will show up when you plot.

nx10 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your interest, and Kun Ren for responding!

I am currently working on refactoring and modularizing large parts of this package and will try to improve the documentation when I am done.