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not respecting spacings in ggplot #143

Open fernandoroa opened 6 months ago

fernandoroa commented 6 months ago

Description In VSCode, while using

  "r.plot.useHttpgd": true,

in settings.json, instead of false, which doesn't show the problem, the font, or the spacings of it are not respected

To Reproduce Make a ggplot and use mono


salary_data_file <- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/datavizpyr/data/master/SO_data_2019/2019_Stack_Overflow_Survey_Education_Salary_US.tsv"
salary_data <- read_tsv(salary_data_file)
salary_data[salary_data$Education == "Bachelor's",]$Education <- "123   789   345"
salary_data[salary_data$Education == "Master's",]$Education   <- "12345 789 12345"

salary_data %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x=Education, y=CompTotal)) +
    coord_flip() +
      axis.text.y = element_text(family = "mono", size = rel(1))

Expected behavior To see correctly the font and spacing as when using false, respect number of spaces

Screenshots with: false Screenshot from 2023-12-17 09-19-25

with: true Screenshot from 2023-12-17 09-14-03


eitsupi commented 6 months ago

Maybe font issue? #138

benz0li commented 5 months ago

@fernandoroa Use figure spaces. See also non-breaking space.