nxdefiant / ros_image_to_rtsp

ROS sensor_msgs/Image to rtsp nodelet
6 stars 2 forks source link

Kinect image and delay #4

Open alduxvm opened 6 years ago

alduxvm commented 6 years ago


I'm testing your node using a kinect v1 (with the same topic) and I'm getting an error on the console, which is:

[ INFO] [1509994047.571572958]: Client connected: /rgb
x264 [error]: baseline profile doesn't support 4:4:4

I can still the stream, an example of what I see when I open the stream using vlc is here:

screen shot 2017-11-06 at 1 47 34 pm

I'm using ubuntu 16.04 on an odroid xu4 and I installed gst1.0 as in your instructions: sudo apt-get install libgstrtspserver-1.0-dev gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly

Also, I can see a delay of 10 to 20 seconds on the image... maybe gst is not properly installed? or what can the issue be?

Thanks a lot!

nxdefiant commented 6 years ago

The error shouldn't be the problem. This looks like a resolution or color format mismatch. Can you add the output of

rostopic echo -n 1 --noarr /camera/rgb/image_raw

Is the delay increasing? If so you might want to check the cpu usage as it might be too much for the cpu.

nxdefiant commented 6 years ago

Also when encoding on an ARM controller I recommend to use a hardware encoder instead of the cpu (which is why this node exists in the first place), for odroid the keyword seems to be v4l2video8enc

alduxvm commented 6 years ago

For the rostopic echo -n 1 --noarr /camera/rgb/image_raw:

  seq: 0
    secs: 1510000564
    nsecs: 293323078
  frame_id: camera_rgb_optical_frame
height: 480
width: 640
encoding: bayer_grbg8
is_bigendian: 0
step: 640
data: <array type: uint8, length: 307200>

I'm going to check the hardware controller just now... will let you know.

nxdefiant commented 6 years ago

Yeah, the launch file is configured for a 320x240 image while your /camera/rgb/image_raw topic is 640x480. Thats why the the image is disturbed. Two options:

alduxvm commented 6 years ago

I updated the repository, did the compilation again, installed the .debs from the odroid link, and now I have this:

screen shot 2017-11-06 at 3 49 58 pm

and in the console, still the same error:

[ INFO] [1510001244.516869170]: Client connected: /rgb
x264 [error]: baseline profile doesn't support 4:4:4
nxdefiant commented 6 years ago

Please only one change at a time. Unfortunately I don't have a ros enabled odroid atm, so lets try without the custom odroid packages first. If it still does not work please add a 5-10s bag file of the /camera/rgb/image_raw topic.