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MCUXpresso SDK Examples
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rt1170 m4 swd armgcc examples not working if not used basic debug/release target (e.g sdram debug/release or flexspi_nor debug/release target is used). #7

Closed Hadatko closed 1 year ago

Hadatko commented 2 years ago

Hi, i am able to run m4 examples with using script evkmimxrt1170_connect_cm4_cm4side.jlinkscript and swd. I am not able to run m4 examples with script evkmimxrt1170_connect_cm4_cm4side_sdram.jlinkscript. Main issue is that i am not able to run m4 side in dual core with using any jlinkscript file. Use case: I want merge multicre mu example with lvgl example. I want let lvgl part on m4 side. MU without lvgl is working well (as there is non sdram target for m4 core). When m4 core is filled with lvgl files the memory target has to be changed to use SDRAM memory. As i am not able to run m4 core with sdram target in single mode, i am also not able to achieve that in multicore mode.

mcuxsusan commented 2 years ago

Adding @Lucien-Zhao to help check the issue, but the feedback could be delayed because it's weekend, appreciate for your patience.

Lucien-Zhao commented 2 years ago

Hi @Hadatko , Which version of JLINK software you use? Could I take your problem to mean that you can't debug cm4 project using SDRAM on RT1170?

Hadatko commented 2 years ago

Hi @Lucien-Zhao , my version is 7.50a. It is not even running. Default single/multicore examples which are not using SDRAM target are running and also i am able to debug. But SDRAM target devices i cannot.

Lucien-Zhao commented 2 years ago

Could you try to use JLINK commander below before running the demos. monitor reg sp = (0x) (Please input the sp address in your image) monitor reg pc = (0x) (Please input the pc address in your image)

Hadatko commented 2 years ago

Hi @Lucien-Zhao , sorry i didn't have much time to try anything. Here are some outputs from my debugger: Please check OUTPUT tab (Adapter Output) for output from JLinkGDBServer Launching server: "JLinkGDBServer" "-if" "swd" "-port" "50000" "-swoport" "50001" "-telnetport" "50002" "-device" "MIMXRT1176xxxA_M4" "-jlinkscriptfile" "evkmimxrt1170_connect_cm4_cm4side_sdram.jlinkscript" Launching GDB: "Tools/gcc-arm-none-eabi/bin/arm-none-eabi-gdb" "-q" "--interpreter=mi2" Reading symbols from app.elf... 0x30002552 in ?? () Not implemented stop reason (assuming exception): undefined 2 Resetting target

` SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V7.50a Command Line Version JLinkARM.dll V7.50a (DLL compiled Jul 8 2021 18:20:53)

Command line: -if swd -port 50000 -swoport 50001 -telnetport 50002 -device MIMXRT1176xxxA_M4 -jlinkscriptfile evkmimxrt1170_connect_cm4_cm4side_sdram.jlinkscript -----GDB Server start settings----- GDBInit file: none GDB Server Listening port: 50000 SWO raw output listening port: 50001 Terminal I/O port: 50002 Accept remote connection: yes Generate logfile: off Verify download: off Init regs on start: off Silent mode: off Single run mode: off Target connection timeout: 0 ms ------J-Link related settings------ J-Link Host interface: USB J-Link script: evkmimxrt1170_connect_cm4_cm4side_sdram.jlinkscript J-Link settings file: none ------Target related settings------ Target device: MIMXRT1176xxxA_M4 Target interface: SWD Target interface speed: 4000kHz Target endian: little Connecting to J-Link... J-Link is connected. Firmware: J-Link Ultra V4 compiled Jun 29 2021 16:13:04 Hardware: V4.00 S/N: 504400580 Feature(s): RDI, FlashBP, FlashDL, JFlash, GDB Checking target voltage... Target voltage: 3.29 V Listening on TCP/IP port 50000 Connecting to target... Connected to target Waiting for GDB connection...Connected to Reading all registers Read 4 bytes @ address 0x0023F040 (Data = 0x0000E7FE) Read 2 bytes @ address 0x0023F040 (Data = 0xE7FE) Received monitor command: halt Halting target CPU... ...Target halted (PC = 0x0023F040) Received monitor command: reset Resetting target Downloading 1024 bytes @ address 0x08002000 Downloading 16016 bytes @ address 0x08002400 Downloading 16096 bytes @ address 0x08006290 Downloading 16000 bytes @ address 0x0800A170 Downloading 16096 bytes @ address 0x0800DFF0 Downloading 16144 bytes @ address 0x08011ED0 Downloading 16144 bytes @ address 0x08015DE0 Downloading 16128 bytes @ address 0x08019CF0 Downloading 16176 bytes @ address 0x0801DBF0 Downloading 16128 bytes @ address 0x08021B20 Downloading 16192 bytes @ address 0x08025A20 Downloading 16096 bytes @ address 0x08029960 Downloading 16176 bytes @ address 0x0802D840 Downloading 16192 bytes @ address 0x08031770 Downloading 16208 bytes @ address 0x080356B0 Downloading 16192 bytes @ address 0x08039600 Downloading 16288 bytes @ address 0x0803D540 Downloading 428 bytes @ address 0x080414E0 Downloading 8 bytes @ address 0x0804168C Downloading 4 bytes @ address 0x08041694 Downloading 4 bytes @ address 0x08041698 Downloading 356 bytes @ address 0x0804169C Writing register (PC = 0x 80024bc) Received monitor command: reset Resetting target Read 4 bytes @ address 0x080024BC (Data = 0x4816B672) Read 2 bytes @ address 0x080024BC (Data = 0xB672) Reading 64 bytes @ address 0x080039C0 Read 2 bytes @ address 0x080039DA (Data = 0xF000) Setting breakpoint @ address 0x080039DA, Size = 2, BPHandle = 0x0001 Starting target CPU... ` When i pause program i see: image Nothing showed on display.

Hadatko commented 2 years ago

Path to example: SDK_2_10_0_MIMXRT1170-EVK/boards/evkmimxrt1170/littlevgl_examples/littlevgl_guider/cm4/armgcc/

Hadatko commented 2 years ago

With JLink command i have no experience. I got this error message: image

Lucien-Zhao commented 2 years ago

Hi @Hadatko, I have checked the release note for RT1170. Now there are still some issues on armgcc when debugging RT1170 with JLINK. We are discussing with SEGGER about this issues. I think this issue will be resolved recently. We have marked this on page 2 of RT1170 release note, you can see picture below: image

 Back to your question, please install the NXP internal patch to retry according to process in readme.


Hadatko commented 2 years ago

Hi @Lucien-Zhao, thank you for your post. I read this information but i forget about it as it is not very descriptive (what is not working...) And also there is mentioned version 7.00. If there would be 7.xx it may means all v7 versions (as i am using 7.50a not 7.00).

Later next week my colleague will try your patch and we will let you know about progress. Thank you very much.

mcuxsusan commented 2 years ago

Hi @Hadatko, does the patch work for you? Could we close the issue for now?

Hadatko commented 2 years ago

HI @mcuxsusan, currently we changed a bit priorities and possible solution in our current project. I am not sure if we will try this patch or not now. COuld we keep it open to the end of this month and i think i can update you in next two weeks.

mcuxsusan commented 2 years ago

@Hadatko, sure, appreciate for such quick reply.

Hadatko commented 1 year ago

I will close this issue for now. Not sure what is its current state. Likely we workrounded that somehow...