nxp-mcuxpresso / vscode-for-mcux

Support for NXP Visual Studio Code for MCUXpresso Extension project.
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Remote debug using j-link #2

Closed alireza-bp closed 10 months ago

alireza-bp commented 12 months ago

I can't find an option in the "launch.json" file to add the address of a remote server and configure it for debugging programs using a J-Link that is connected to a remote PC. While this option is present in several other extensions, it appears to be absent in MCUXpresso.

DragosMiloiuNXP commented 12 months ago

Hi @alireza-bp, thanks for reporting the issue. It will be addressed in the next release.

DragosMiloiuNXP commented 11 months ago

The latest version of the extension includes support for debugging using a remote GDB server.

Please have a look at documentation for steps on how to use it.