nyadiia / snow

my nixos flake! refactored
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light/dark theme switching #1

Open Flameopathic opened 1 week ago

Flameopathic commented 1 week ago

hey, this is some pretty awesome stuff, incidentally structured very similarly to my config. super readable and everything, kudos. i noticed that, the past, you posted an image of a machine with both a dark and a light theme, are you able to switch themes in this config too? just curious, i want to set up switching themes and was searching for inspiration.

nyadiia commented 1 week ago

for that, i used darkman scripts on arch to switch gtk themes and also switch to using the dark mode of apps. there is a way to do this one nixos but its slightly cursed: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Specialisation. my idea is to use specializations with stylus or nix-colors and darkman scripts, however it's not documented well and im not sure how this would work

Flameopathic commented 1 week ago

huh, interesting. thanks!