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Event idea: Discover series - Discover Angular, Discover React, Discover Vue #168

Open kirjs opened 7 years ago

kirjs commented 7 years ago

Please add your ideas and suggest speakers in the comments

The idea is to have a series of 3 events one for each framework for people who are familiar with other frameworks / web dev and want to learn about specific framework.

The goal is to introduce the basics of each framework and highlight strong/exciting points without going super deep.

capacity: 200-300 each Dates: Ideally one week in late july

Discover Angular

Potential talks (10 minutes each).

Other potential talks

Discover React

Potential talks (10 minutes each).

Discover Vue

Potential talks (10 minutes each).

MichaelSolati commented 7 years ago

I volunteer as tribute for the "Angular app in 10 minutes (with angular-cli)" talk

tessaSAC commented 7 years ago

I can try vue or react...

kirjs commented 7 years ago

@tessaSAC Pick or invent a topic

MichaelSolati commented 7 years ago

@tessaSAC "invent a topic"... I think he's asking you to come up with a new JS framework... Could call it TessaJS

tessaSAC commented 7 years ago

or takeBetterTrain

RingoKam commented 7 years ago

hmm did anyone talk about react expo before? feel like it would make a interesting talk.

tessaSAC commented 7 years ago

Should we close this? @kirjs