Closed ahwanpandey closed 6 years ago
Yes, the expected behavior for Lancet is to report multiple alleles at the same position in separate lines. Can you elaborate in more details why this is a problem for your analysis?
Thank for your reply. It not so much a problem but just an observation that arose some complexity during downstream analysis when using a consensus calling tool such as CombineVariants. Nothing that is a huge issue though. I just wasn't aware that variants could be represented in multiple lines for multi-allelic sites. The other tools I had tested (sprecifically VarScan2, VarDict and Mutect2) were only outputting the passing variant at that site or representing them as comma separated variants. Also, only a very few number of variants were actually reported as such (having both a passing and a failing variant at the same position) by Lancet i.e. 18 out of 2,323,030 total Somatic variants.
2 set=filterInLancet-Lancet
1 set=filterInMutect2-filterInLancet-Lancet
4 set=Lancet-filterInLancet
2 set=Mutect2-filterInLancet-Lancet
1 set=Mutect2-Lancet-filterInLancet
1 set=Varscan2-Lancet-filterInLancet
4 set=Varscan2-Mutect2-filterInLancet-Lancet
3 set=Varscan2-Mutect2-Lancet-filterInLancet
I guess the main reason I posted this here is because Lancet was doing something slightly different than the 3 other tools when reporting variants in the VCF and wanted to confirm with the developer himself :)
Glad everything is fine. I'll close the ticket then. Feel free to post any other issue or bug that you may face.
I have attached variant calls for the same variant using Mutect2, Varscan2 and Lancet. They have been fed into GATK's CombineVariants to generate consensus calls. I have noticed that only Lancet outputs "multi-allelic" SNPs which are both PASS and FAIL in the same position but different alt alleles, in different lines. Is this a known behavior? Is there a way to output just the passing variant in the multi-allelic site, or a combined variant per position? As you can see in the combinations found by CombineVariants, things start getting messy with the categories that have (Lancet-filterInLancet) and (filterInLancet-Lancet)
The following is an example for the category: set=Varscan2-Mutect2-filterInLancet-Lancet
And all the categories formed in the full data:
And if I just did combine variants on Varscan2 and Mutect2