nygma2004 / growatt2mqtt

Growatt Solar Inverter Modbus Data to MQTT Gateway
MIT License
136 stars 33 forks source link

RS232 Viability #22

Closed chromos33 closed 1 year ago

chromos33 commented 1 year ago

Let me preface this with saying I am an absolute beginner on arduino etc. (webdeveloper with some c# experience)

But would it be possible to adapt this library to use this over the usb connection on the MIC 600 TL-X or do I need the RS485 cable connection?

And with the RS485 would I use the COM port as I don't see a "Sys Com" port on the inverter.

As far as I can google the usb is apparently just an RS232 wrapper.

chromos33 commented 1 year ago

nvm figured it out by referencing https://github.com/Lyve1981/GrowattUsbModbus just need to replace the conents of growattInterface.cpp growattIF::initGrowatt() with Serial.begin(115200); growattInterface.begin(SLAVE_ID , Serial);

static growattIF* obj = this;

nygma2004 commented 1 year ago

Sorry the late response. I am glad you managed to figure it out, because honestly I would have no idea how to do this. Kudos.