nygma2004 / growatt2mqtt

Growatt Solar Inverter Modbus Data to MQTT Gateway
MIT License
136 stars 33 forks source link

my version #29

Open Performance20 opened 1 year ago

Performance20 commented 1 year ago


I forked your software and made some changes. I saw your comments, if stabillity is no so good and OTA firmware update not working

I have tested it with my Growatt, run fine, Firmware update via OTA works fine well.


nygma2004 commented 1 year ago

Hi Helge,

Thanks a lot for your work. I know I should really switch from the Arduino IDE to VSC. Everyone says that it is so much better. But I think what would be even more helpful for the community if I would add WifiManager, so I can offer a binary that can be easily flashed to an ESP and WifiManager can be used to configure the server and modbus settings.

I have to be honest, I don't quite understand the importance between sprinf and snprintf, but I will investigate and learn about this more. Moving most of the code out of the timer callback is a good idea. I was concerned in the beginning that it will cause issues with watchdog timer or something, but since it ended up working, I did not bother to review it. Setting the refresh interval via MQTT is also a nice feature, and the RGB if only secondary for the entire function of the code, so not important.

I will share you project on my main page.

Regards, Csongor

Performance20 commented 1 year ago

Short update from my site: I removed the hard coded Wifi credentials from the code and inplemented a captive portal by using ESPConnect lib. If the ESP is not configured to Wifi, he starts in AP mode and provide such a web portal, where the SSID can be selected and passeword enterd. Credential will be stored in eeprom.



Diddlik commented 1 year ago

Short update from my site: I removed the hard coded Wifi credentials from the code and inplemented a captive portal by using ESPConnect lib. If the ESP is not configured to Wifi, he starts in AP mode and provide such a web portal, where the SSID can be selected and passeword enterd. Credential will be stored in eeprom.



Is it possible to move mqtt setup in web settings too?