nygma2004 / growatt2mqtt

Growatt Solar Inverter Modbus Data to MQTT Gateway
MIT License
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[Question] useModulPower outside the mqtt context #37

Closed chromos33 closed 3 months ago

chromos33 commented 3 months ago

Hey probably best directed to @joe288 ,

I'm trying to use the useModulPower function standalone like plugging in the ESP board like an usb stick and have it rewrite the Inverter Config.

Tried adding the code to the Setup method after initializing the Interface but it won't update the config in the Inverter. All I'm getting is either illegal function or response timeout. Is there some special sauce that makes this work in the mqtt request or am I just going crazy.

Currently using a static string for that looks the same when compared to the mqtt message but maybe some encoding difference?

like in the Growatt2mqtt_1p2s.ino (removed mqtt code)

void setup()
     //Other init code
    String message = "OA";
     growattInterface.writeRegister(growattInterface.regOnOff, 0);

    result = growattInterface.writeRegister(growattInterface.regModulPower, int(strtol(message.c_str(), NULL, 16)));
    growattInterface.writeRegister(growattInterface.regOnOff, 1);

    if (result == growattInterface.Success) {
      holdingregisters = false;
    } else {
      //using WebSerial to send the result

have also tried it in loop() (multiple execution prevented)

Help would be appreciated.

nygma2004 commented 3 months ago

I think the first issue here, that 0A to set the inverter to 1000W is not a string, but a hex value: 0x0A. I never used this function myself, let me add @joe288 as he added this part of the code. @joe288 just to recap, when you publish to the "SetModulePower" topic, you expected to pass the value as decimal and not at string like "0A" right? Based on this, I think instead of

String message = "OA";

it should be:

uint16_t modulpower = 0x0A;

and further in the code, instead of

result = growattInterface.writeRegister(growattInterface.regModulPower, int(strtol(message.c_str(), NULL, 16)));

it should be:

result = growattInterface.writeRegister(growattInterface.regModulPower, modulepower);

Please wait until @joe288 confirms it.

joe288 commented 3 months ago

Hi, @nygma2004 your change should produce the same result. In the implementation with MQTT it still has to be converted from string to integer. You can optimize this step with the variant of nygma2004.

the code should actually work. you have to make sure that you first can switch the inverter on/off.

growattInterface.writeRegister(growattInterface.regOnOff, 0);    // switch off the inverter
growattInterface.writeRegister(growattInterface.regOnOff, 1);    // switch on the inverter

The configuration can only be changed when the inverter is switched off.

Of course it could also be that your inverter has a different timing than mine. I would test to increase the delays significantly to make sure that the commands have been processed completely.

I hope these tips help you to find the problem.

chromos33 commented 3 months ago

thanks for the help, am going to try that next. Timing thing isn't/shouldn't be an issue as over mqtt it worked even useing R232 instead of what the repo is saying. Going to close this topic once I tried the mentioned code

chromos33 commented 3 months ago

Yeah that was it. thanks again.