Closed navraj213 closed 1 week ago
work in branch: teamB and the area to work is: src/app/student/dashboard/page.tsx
teacherId: "T67890",
teacherName: "Jane Smith",
teacherEmail: "",
password: "hashed_password",
classes: [
classId: "C101",
className: "Math 101"
______________________ (on mongodb)
{"_id":{"$oid":"67305fde93d8508ac4db53d9"},"teacherId":"T67890","teacherName":"Jane Smith","teacherEmail":"","password":"hashed_password","classes":[{"classId":"C101","className":"Math 101"}]}
Created framework in 0691f531a3a6d7fa0f1dc15c32a852cff9159ecd (find code changed within commit)
Did whole backend, and partially supported front end. (Main thing was getting it to login and display the account details.
example login is: hashed_password
Deadline extended to Sunday
Added Backend Support 5c9ebdf1930af1b38643cbafe44dc69751213814 2100831945bbafc657408e3939789339fce25eee
Code we must change
@Armaan294 @bthoma31
similar to issue #6
Communicate with team A to help create a similar page. This page will serve to show the teachers his classes be able to manage it
Deadline: Sunday Night
You have to connect it to the database, create a new schema, create the front end, and handle all the backend requests.