nylas / nylas-mail

:love_letter: An extensible desktop mail app built on the modern web. Forks welcome!
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Support Exchange #3385

Open jprrezende opened 7 years ago

jprrezende commented 7 years ago

Please support Exchange Servers.


sg6 commented 7 years ago

It seems like it already was supported, but not any more: http://ubuntufun.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Nylas-4.png

I use Ubuntu and I only see Office 365 instead of Exchange :/

riccardolardi commented 7 years ago

As far as I know they will bring back Exchange support soon.

jarey commented 7 years ago

Hope that they bring it back. Wanted to use Nylas as my mail client with an exchange account and not able to do so.

riccardolardi commented 7 years ago

Possible duplicate https://github.com/nylas/nylas-mail/issues/3385

sherbang commented 7 years ago

They're not currently planning on adding support according to the last item on this page: https://support.nylas.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005574208-Nylas-N1-Customer-FAQ

bundyo commented 7 years ago

Well, are they asking everyone or just customers - the people looking for just Exchange support are probably not customers at all? Plus there's no good Exchange alternative on Linux except Evolution and it is rather heavyweight.

Oh, and since I couldn't find out that local Exchange support was removed, and I signed up for Pro (since it mentioned Exchange as supported), I'm going to cancel that until better times.

marcvef commented 7 years ago

That is unfortunate. I was looking forward to finally have one email client on Linux that supports Exchange. Until Exchange is added, I don't think that I can switch from Evolution.

riccardolardi commented 7 years ago

I was emailing with one of Nylas employees and he told me they're not going to bring back Exchange. Really unfortunate.

Xowap commented 7 years ago

I don't really get the point of providing a framwork that does an abstraction layers over email protocols, going all to way to implement exchange and then simply drop it. It's not like maintaining Exchange in the client is going to be an additional cost...

I suspect political bullshit/patent lawsuit settlement or something like that. Did anyone check the code for a hidden switch?

faridescate commented 7 years ago

According to this https://blog.nylas.com/nylas-mail-is-now-free-8350d6a1044d maybe there's still hope

Does Nylas Basic support all mail providers? Today’s release supports Gmail/G Suite, Office365, Yahoo! Mail, iCloud, and FastMail. Full support for self-hosted Microsoft Exchange servers is coming soon.

nathancarter commented 6 years ago

All I see here is the community ruminating and wondering about this. Since this project is owned by Nylas, let's see the developers weigh in with an official word. Since @sherbang and @fescate cite contradictory comments from the Nylas website, it isn't a reliable source for an "official word." Can we get a definitive answer on this please?

The concept of a user-extensible email client has been needed for a long time now, and Nylas's introducing one seemed at first to me like fabulous news...I love the features you advertise on your site. I could use them to improve my daily workflow right now. But my employer uses on-site Exchange, in which case I'm triply screwed:

  1. I can't use Nylas.
  2. There's less incentive for anyone else to create a hackable email client, because Nylas exists, so the chances of someone else solving the problem are now lower.
  3. If Nylas said they'd never support exchange, there'd at least be that small incentive for another project to start up and solve that problem, but with the inconsistent answers mentioned above, the tentative hope of having Nylas support Exchange still floats out there, further disincentivizing other projects from investing effort to fill that niche.
nathancarter commented 6 years ago

I note that the blog post that @fescate cites has been edited, and no longer contains the promise that Exchange support is coming soon. I am forced to conclude that Nylas does not plan to support Exchange, and that some other dev team needs to create a competing product. I'd love to be proven wrong by a Nylas employee posting here.