nylas / nylas-nodejs

A NodeJS wrapper for the Nylas REST API for email, contacts, and calendar.
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fix: application crash when timeout encountered #569

Closed mmollick closed 1 week ago

mmollick commented 3 weeks ago

I encountered occasional application crashes and traced them back to timeouts coming from the Nylas API. After reviewing the Nylas-SDK, I found the culprit in the setTimeout call used to abort the request. It's bad practice to throw an error from setTimeout as its try...catch blocks will not intercept the error. Instead, these errors will crash the application.

node-fetch will reject when controller.abort() is called, so we don't need to throw from the timeout anyway.

Reference: https://jaketrent.com/post/catch-error-thrown-settimeout/ https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v7.x/docs/api/errors.html#errors_node_js_style_callbacks


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