nyoron / NYOBetterZoom

Getting UIScrollView to behave more like Photos.app (small images are centred rather than shifting to the top left of the UIScrollView)
75 stars 13 forks source link

Please license your code under MIT, BSD or GPL License #2

Open bartvandendriessche opened 13 years ago

bartvandendriessche commented 13 years ago

Right now the headers in your source code reserve all rights.

I'm assuming you would like others to use this code since you explain how to integrate it in other projects, and you link to this repository from Stackoverflow.

It would be great if you could update your headers with e.g. the MIT license.

The MIT license basically allows others to "do whatever the hell you want" with your code as long as they don't remove the MIT License itself. You can find the template on wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License

cheers, Bart

ghost commented 12 years ago

Seconded. From the way you've provided the code I'm assuming it's alright to use in both personal and commercial projects, but it would be nice to know for sure!

daniel-hightail commented 10 years ago

Bringing this back up again is it safe to assume MIT on your code?