nyousefi / Fountain

An open source implementation of the Fountain screenplay formatting language.
MIT License
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Using Fountain with Typora? #35

Open BrennonTWilliams opened 4 years ago

BrennonTWilliams commented 4 years ago

Apologies for what I'm sure is an extremely dumb question, but I'm trying to get Fountain working with Typora. The README says to copy the Fountain Group files into my project. But there's just one .md file. Do I need to create a parent folder for the "project" and put the Fountain Group files in there with the .md? Or drop the files somewhere into Typora's directory? Opening a .fountain file in Typora doesn't load the rules with the markdown.

Thanks for the help!

ignamiranda commented 1 year ago

Were you able to figure this out? I'm also interested in doing this