nyrahul / env

My linux env setup: vimrc, bashrc, gitconfig, tmux.conf, screenrc. Installs vim-plugins and dependencies.
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add tmux-conf #3

Closed nyrahul closed 5 years ago

nyrahul commented 5 years ago
set -g mouse on
bind -n WheelUpPane if-shell -F -t = "#{mouse_any_flag}" "send-keys -M" "if -Ft= '#{pane_in_mode}' 'send-keys -M' 'select-pane -t=; copy-mode -e; send-keys -M'"
bind -n WheelDownPane select-pane -t= \; send-keys -M
bind -n C-WheelUpPane select-pane -t= \; copy-mode -e \; send-keys -M
bind -t vi-copy    C-WheelUpPane   halfpage-up
bind -t vi-copy    C-WheelDownPane halfpage-down
bind -t emacs-copy C-WheelUpPane   halfpage-up
bind -t emacs-copy C-WheelDownPane halfpage-down

# To copy, drag to highlight text in yellow, press Enter and then release mouse
# Use vim keybindings in copy mode
setw -g mode-keys vi
# Update default binding of `Enter` to also use copy-pipe
unbind -t vi-copy Enter
bind-key -t vi-copy Enter copy-pipe "pbcopy"

set -g history-limit 5000
set -g status off
nyrahul commented 5 years ago

add tmux to setup.sh

nyrahul commented 5 years ago

start tmux through bashrc

[[ $TERM != "screen" ]] && exec tmux
nyrahul commented 5 years ago
