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Request/Suggestion: Frippertronics-modul based on echo-modules #441

Open scheichreisuli opened 1 year ago

scheichreisuli commented 1 year ago


in hardware I play with tape-loops, done for one or more reel-to-reel-machines or cassette-tape-machines. In the seventies this got known as Frippertronics.

What about a modul, that simulates this effect in VCV-Rack? The NYSTHI-echo-modules, one of the best delays in VCV-Rack, in conjunction with the SIMPLICITER- and the SUSSUDIO-modules have allmost all functionalities we need I think.

Please have a look at this HAINBACH-video that shows what I have in mind:


Here are some suggestions for building an advanced tape-loop-module:

The module is a stereo-module, that can also be used in mono-mode.

We need a minimum of 2 playheads (representing 2 tape-machines A and B), but only one of them (machine A) should be used for recording.

The (audio-)input goes to machine A.

The tape-speed can be set like in the echo-modules. I suggest to deliver presets for classic tape-speeds (2,8cm, 4.75cm, 9,5cm, 19cm). The tape-behavior can be modulated like in SIMPLICITER (speed, direction, octaves, other effects).

Machine A has an erase-head, that can be switched on and off by a trigger. The erase-head is placed just before the recording-head. (The echo-modules place it after the last playhead.) Erase-on means total erasing, nothing of the prior audio is left.

The format for delay-time for playheads is minutes:seconds.decimal-seconds (m:ss.nnn). The maximum length of a tape-loop is 9:59.999 minutes. The playhead of machine A has no delay-time (zero). It plays immediately the recording, but can be switched on and off by a trigger.

The playhead of the other machine(s) need an input for a delay-time. Currently the playheads of the echo-modules can manage only very short delay-times. We need much longer delay-times (m:ss.nnn) to build long tape-loops. The total length of the tape-loop is the sum of the delay-times set for the playheads. The current total length of the tape-loop should be displayed.

When all delay-times of the playheads of the machines B to N are set to zero, only the playhead of machine A is routed to the output. In this case there is no tape-loop (total-tape-loop length is zero (0:00.000), but an input-signal-flows to the output as long as the playhead of machine A is on.

The tape-loop has parts, labeled from A to N, where A is the part from machine A to machine B, N is the part from machine N to the erase-head. Start-time, length and stop-time of every loop-part should be displayed, starting at m:ss.nnn for part A. Start-time represents the total loop-length before the delay of the entire playhead.

The sum of all delay-times is the total length of the tape-loop. Any playhead can be switched on and off by a trigger, but its delay-time is always part of the tape-loop-length. The total length of the tape-loop is the length of all tape-parts (time from recording-head to erase-head).

In hardware the tape-machines are generally positioned in serial order and the tape-loop travels back from the last machine to machine A. In software it is possible to return the tape to machine A after the playhead of machine N with a delay-time of zero. Adding a delay-time between machine N and machine A simulates the travel-back-time. This delay-time is part of the tape-loop and is added to the tape-length, too.

Changing the delay-times of the playheads while playing/recording the loop might cause some problems. I suggest to bind the recording and playing of the tape-loop to a freeze-button, that can be turned on an off by a trigger. As long as the tape-loop is not in the 'freeze'-mode, it won't play and/or record any audio.

In the 'non-freeze'-mode the parameters of the tape-loop can be changed. If there are CV-inputs for setting parameters, their input gets blocked when the 'freeze'-mode is activated. The tape-loop uses the parameters set when the 'freeze'-mode is activated.

Each playhead of the machines B to N need a separate (stereo)output, that fe. can be sent to a mixer or any other module. The output needs a volume-knob. Each playhead needs a switch (right-click) to route the signal to a) the next playhead= default, b) only to its entire output or c) both.

Tape-loops can be recorded. All we need is already present in the SIMPLICITER-module.

Advanced usage idea: As in hardware the tape must travel in serial mode from machine to machine, this is not a must in software. What about sending the playhead-outputs first to filters/effects and then to a matrix-mixer? New interesting results get in reach.

As an alternative concept I thought about adding the tape-loop-concept described above to the SIMPLICITER- or the SUSSUDIO-module. SUSSUDIO already supports different playheads.

This post is meant as a friendly suggestion of someone who likes to create analog music. I miss some things of that world in VCV Rack. I have no idea how complex and difficult it is to combine features of three modules to a new one.

I believe having tape-loops for Frippertronics in the NYSTHI-collection is the best place for such a modul, because your collection has already some moduls that support creative ideas and workflows more than many other collections do.

Thank you for your collection and your time.


nysthi commented 1 year ago

I know, I have all the pieces... but I miss time and above all, the inspiration

anyway you can already simulate frippertronics with 2 simpliciters and a delay in the middle (to simulate the tape lenght)=