nystudio107 / craft-similar

Similar for Craft lets you find elements, Entries, Categories, Commerce Products, etc, that are similar, based on... other related elements.
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SQL error related to GROUP BY #19

Closed icreatestuff closed 3 years ago

icreatestuff commented 4 years ago


I'm getting the following SQL error

SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1055 Expression #2 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'test-site.elements_sites.id' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

The stack trace seems to indicate it's originating from line 103 in the Similar.php service which is $results = $query->all();. I suspect it's something in the setup of that $query but couldn't see anywhere that GROUP By was being used.

In case it helps the full query that's been compiled is

The SQL being executed was: SELECT `elements`.`id`, `elements_sites`.`siteId`, COUNT(*) AS `count`
FROM (SELECT `elements`.`id` AS `elementsId`, `elements_sites`.`id` AS `elementsSitesId`, `content`.`id` AS `contentId`
FROM `elements` `elements`
INNER JOIN `entries` `entries` ON `entries`.`id` = `elements`.`id`
INNER JOIN `elements_sites` `elements_sites` ON `elements_sites`.`elementId` = `elements`.`id`
INNER JOIN `content` `content` ON `content`.`elementId` = `elements`.`id`
INNER JOIN `structureelements` `structureelements` ON (`structureelements`.`elementId` = `elements`.`id`) AND (`structureelements`.`structureId`=9)
LEFT JOIN `relations` ON elements.id=`relations`.sourceId
WHERE (`entries`.`sectionId`='15') AND ((elements.id != '2782') AND (`relations`.`targetId` IN ('2777', '2778'))) AND (`elements`.`archived`=FALSE) AND (((`elements`.`enabled`=TRUE) AND (`elements_sites`.`enabled`=TRUE)) AND (`entries`.`postDate` <= '2020-02-24 18:01:00') AND ((`entries`.`expiryDate` IS NULL) OR (`entries`.`expiryDate` > '2020-02-24 18:01:00'))) AND (`elements`.`dateDeleted` IS NULL) AND (`elements_sites`.`enabled`=TRUE) AND (`elements`.`draftId` IS NULL) AND (`elements`.`revisionId` IS NULL)
GROUP BY `elements`.`id`, `structureelements`.`structureId`, `structureelements`.`lft`
ORDER BY `structureelements`.`lft`, `entries`.`postDate` DESC) `subquery`
INNER JOIN `entries` `entries` ON `entries`.`id` = `subquery`.`elementsId`
INNER JOIN `elements` `elements` ON `elements`.`id` = `subquery`.`elementsId`
INNER JOIN `elements_sites` `elements_sites` ON `elements_sites`.`id` = `subquery`.`elementsSitesId`
INNER JOIN `content` `content` ON `content`.`id` = `subquery`.`contentId`
INNER JOIN `structureelements` `structureelements` ON (`structureelements`.`elementId` = `subquery`.`elementsId`) AND (`structureelements`.`structureId`=9)
LEFT JOIN `relations` ON elements.id=`relations`.sourceId
WHERE `relations`.`targetId` IN ('2777', '2778')
GROUP BY `relations`.`sourceId`, `elements`.`id`

which is being built from this twig code

{% set ids = entry.tags.ids() %}
{% set limitCriteria = craft.entries.section('news').with(['coverImage', 'person']).limit(4) %}
{% set similarEntries = craft.similar.find({ element: entry, context: ids, criteria: limitCriteria }) %}

Craft v3.4.8 Similar v1.0.6 MySQL 5.7.26 PHP 7.2.20

khalwat commented 4 years ago

mmmm not sure what the issue is here; PRs would be welcome!

goodmixer commented 4 years ago

Having same issue locally. Disabling strict mode on MySQL got rid of the error but not always possible on shared hosting environments.

robmcfadden commented 4 years ago

Having issue as well. Haven't had time to dig into the Craft CMS changelog, but Similar broke right after upgrading to the latest. Was working just before upgrading to the latest. I can post more details if needed, but a bit busy at the moment.

robmcfadden commented 4 years ago

Figured out how to work around my problem.

Was getting... Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'structureelements.structureId' in 'group statement'

And had this code...

{% set ids = entry.productCategories.ids()|merge(entry.learnCategories.ids()) %}
{% set limitCriteria = craft.entries.section('articles').limit(4) %}
{% set relatedArticles = craft.similar.find({ element: entry, context: ids, criteria: limitCriteria }) %}

Removing the section parameter from limitCriteria got rid of the error. I can make this work for my needs. I'm realizing now that this wasn't actually the same error that was reported here. Sorry if I bloated the comments unnecessarily. :/

icreatestuff commented 4 years ago

@robmcfadden No worries! I actually have a very similar setup in the template so tried also removing the section parameter but it had no affect, I still got the error.

@khalwat It's a bit over my head to be honest, is there anything that needs flagging up with the Craft dev team on this?

jangidgirish commented 4 years ago

Same issue with me.

khalwat commented 4 years ago

Happy to have a PR to fix the issue!

icreatestuff commented 4 years ago

Just a quick update to say this remains an issue in Craft v3.4.10.1

Interestingly on MySQL 5.6.47 my code is also broken unless I remove the .section parameter (as @robmcfadden suggested). On MySQL 5.7.26 it's broken with or without that parameter.

brianlarson commented 4 years ago

I just ran into this as well after updating from Craft 3.3 to Craft 3.4. I'd PR if my brain was bigger but it's a pea. Happening locally with MySQL v5.7.22.

{% set ids = entry.blogCategories.ids()|merge(entry.blogTags.ids()) %}
{% set entries = craft.similar.find({ 
  element: entry, 
  context: ids, 
  criteria: craft.entries.limit(4)
}) ?? null %}
agrigg commented 4 years ago

I'm getting the same error as @robmcfadden and removing the section parameter fixed it for me as well.

khalwat commented 4 years ago

I've been unusually busy lately, and this doesn't look like a simple problem to solve. Would love it if anyone from the community is able to help out to diagnose and fix this.

klick commented 4 years ago

Had the same error and changing the section parameter from .section('section') to .sectionId(2) solved it for me.

brianlarson commented 4 years ago

Sill having this issue on Similar v1.0.6 but it looks like in the changelog it was fixed? MySQL v5.7.22, Craft 3.4.20. I'd be down this being a paid plugin fer sure! 👍

khalwat commented 4 years ago

Still accepting PRs! @brianlarson have you tried what @klick mentioned above?

brianlarson commented 4 years ago

I did but unfortunately it didn't werk in my case!

joshuabaker commented 4 years ago

A combination of running the good ol’ SET SESSION sql_mode trick (below via a module) and setting the sectionId instead of section seems to work for us.

try {
} catch (Exception $exception) {
    // do nothing

There might be an official Craft way of doing this since initSql was removed.

khalwat commented 3 years ago

I'm going to see about devoting some time to fixing this up in the near term

khalwat commented 3 years ago

This should be fixed in the dev-develop branch

You can try it now by setting your semver in your composer.json to look like this:

    "nystudio107/craft-similar": "dev-develop as 1.1.0”,

Then do a composer update

Let me know how you go...

brettburwell commented 3 years ago

@khalwat Really appreciate you taking a look at this. I can confirm that the update corrected the issue on my end.

khalwat commented 3 years ago

Thanks, will let a few others hopefully verify before releasing... anyone able to test on Postgres?

khalwat commented 3 years ago

Fixed in https://github.com/nystudio107/craft-similar/releases/tag/1.1.0