nystudio107 / craft-transcoder

Transcode video & audio files to various formats, and provide video thumbnails
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Nothing Works (transVideoUrl, "auto-generated" video thumbnails, progress URLs, etc.) #18

Closed kevincarpdev closed 4 years ago

kevincarpdev commented 5 years ago


I followed the installation instructions for the server installation, paid for the plugin, and copied the syntax exactly, however, I cannot get ANYTHING to work.

My syntax is as follows:

`{% for video in block.file_asset %}

Progress URL: {{ progressUrl }}

{% endfor %}`

The videos are stored in an S3 volume, and i can get the links to work regular just fine by using {{ video.getUrl() }} so I know the assets are working. The thumbnails in the asset manager are also not showing up, as described as an automatic process in the plugin description...

The Craft installation is on Ubuntu 18-04 running PHP 7.1 and managed through Server Pilot. This is for a high-end video production company, so this feature is very important. The source videos are already in .MP4 format, but eventually will need to convert .MOV files into .MP4 if this plugin truly does work.

Any suggestions? Where do I go from here?

kevincarpdev commented 5 years ago

Looks like thumbnails are only generated if uploaded through the Craft asset manager, and this seems to work sparingly at best. This does not work with assets uploaded through S3.

kevincarpdev commented 5 years ago

I have also tried using the getFileInfo function, and no matter what i pass it (an asset object, a hard-coded URL of an asset on an S3 URL, etc.) it returns an error:

"Return value of nystudio107\transcoder\services\Transcode::getFileInfo() must be of the type array, string returned"

` {% set fileInfo = craft.transcoder.getFileInfo(asset, true) %}

{{ fileInfo }}
` Very frustrating that none of the features work in this plugin!
khalwat commented 5 years ago

@TheDictator sorry I am late getting back to you on this.

You mention initially that you cannot get anything to work. Is this still the case? Have you verified that ffmpeg is properly installed and set up?

The plugin definitely works, I'm using it on several sites, and other people are as well. So it's likely either a config/setup issue, or perhaps you've run into some kind of bug/edge case that I'm not aware of.

khalwat commented 5 years ago

Do you have time to do a video share to try to work it out?

kevincarpdev commented 5 years ago

@khalwat - The only thing that works is the thumbnail generation when assets are uploaded through the Craft Asset Manager.

I could not get the transcoder URLs, or progress URLS to work either.

ffmpeg is installed on the server correctly so I am not sure what the deal is.

I can do a video share this week if you have time, however I am on Indochina Time. Can you message me a time / day that works and we can make it happen?

Thanks for your help!

khalwat commented 5 years ago

Are you able to use ffmpeg manually?

I'm available any time this week, let me know what would work for you.

kevincarpdev commented 5 years ago

Gahhh sorry i am just now seeing this.

Can you email me @ carpenter.kevin@gmail.com and we can set up a time to do a screenshare in the next few days?

I am still having trouble getting anything to work and I can run ffmpeg manually by doing ffmpeg -version and ffmpeg.

Mainly trying to get the getFileInfo function to work on an S3 asset by doing {% set fileInfo = craft.transcoder.getFileInfo(asset.getUrl(), true) %}

But I simply get an error message (Invalid argument supplied for foreach()). I have also just tried to pass it the asset object with no luck.

helleholmsen commented 4 years ago

@khalwat @TheDictator did you solve this? I'm experiencing the exact same problem. Nothing works :( I'm hosting my assets on S3, the plugin is installed and paid for, and ffmpeg is installed locally at /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg

khalwat commented 4 years ago

@helleholmsen Can you open a new issue, and we can diagnose your issue there?

Include any relative storage/logs/web.log information