nystudio107 / rollup-plugin-critical

Vite.js & Rollup plugin for generating critical CSS
MIT License
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Elaborate README Usage #18

Closed slaweet closed 6 months ago

slaweet commented 6 months ago


I didn't find in the readme a clear statement about what the plugin does (Does it only generate a CSS file? Or it incorporates the generated styles?). I think it would fit in the "Usage" section of Readme.

From trying it out, the only thing I saw it does is that it generates index_critical.min.css. So I assume the plugin doesn't do the next step which is to inline it in my index.html and make the original index.css a non-render-blocking request.

So I think the "Usage" section of Readme should be extended with something like this:

After you've set up the plugin as above, run your build and it generates index_critical.min.css.

You should include index_critical.min.css in your index.html which can be done with the following code snippet: [ SNIPPET HERE (I have no clue how to do this) ]

You also need to make your original CSS files to be deferred which can be done with the following code snippet: [ SNIPPET HERE (I have no clue how to do this) ]

Additional context

I didn't use https://github.com/addyosmani/critical before so I don't know how it's expected to work, I only know its goal based on reading https://developer.chrome.com/docs/lighthouse/performance/render-blocking-resources/. I would expect that many people will be in a similar situation to me, which is why I spent my time writing this issue instead of trying to google for how to do it myself.

I'm trying to use this with Vite.

khalwat commented 6 months ago

The problem is, it would be very platform-specific in terms of how you'd actually accomplish that.

The code snippet would be different for every platform under the sun, so it's left as an exercise to the reader.

slaweet commented 6 months ago

@khalwat thank you for your reply.

I don't know what you mean by platforms here. I thought the platform is rollup. Is it other tools like Vitejs build on top of Rollup?

It's often the case that just a few of the most used platforms account for a vast proportion of users. So it might still be very useful to have some examples that serve those most used platforms' users and give at least some high-level hints for the rest.

So the readme could contain something like this;

After you've set up the plugin as above, run your build and it generates index_critical.min.css.

You should include index_critical.min.css in your index.html. The implementation is platform-specific, for example, in platform 1 it's done this way: [ SNIPPET IN PLATFORM 1 ] Or in platform 2 this way: [ SNIPPET IN PLATFORM 2 ]

You also need to make your original CSS files be deferred. The implementation is platform-specific, for example, in platform 1 it's done this way: [ SNIPPET IN PLATFORM 1 ] Or in platform 2 this way: [ SNIPPET IN PLATFORM 2 ]

khalwat commented 6 months ago

Rollup isn't always going to be the thing that injects the Critical CSS. If you're using it with a CMS, you'll use that CMS's native methods to inject the critical CSS.

Basically, there are 100's of different ways to render a template using a variety of platforms and tooling, and that's why presenting an example doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

If you want to give me an example for your use case, I'd be happy to label it and include it in the README.