nytimes / aframe-loader-3dtiles-component

A-Frame component using 3D-Tiles
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Add warning to Readme regarding approval process for use of Google map tiles 3D API #40

Closed kfarr closed 6 months ago

kfarr commented 6 months ago

Google's default policy for its Google Map Tiles API is to restrict 3D tile root json load events to a quota cap of 300 per day. Every page load triggers a root json load, and as a developer you can easily burn through 100 root json load events in an hour of normal web development processes.

This default quota of 300/day cannot be lifted without internal approvals. I started the initial request Fri Mar 8 approx 10am. I had a 45 minute chat conversation with 3 different support people as they kept escalating upwards. Then it was escalated to another support person via email. Now that person is escalating to another engineer who is requesting a more detailed writeup of our use case before they will approve an increase above 300 page loads per day. It has now been 36 hours since the original request, I assume that it will not be resolved until next week when business hours resume.

These newer requests from escalation include questions regarding the target use case and persona of end-users before enabling higher quota limits. The customer support team indicates that the specific use case will affect whether or not the quota request is approved, presumably because of data licensing terms between Google and map data providers.

Therefore, this may mean that google maps 3d tiles may not be useable for many application use cases / end-user personas and we could be clear in the documentation which use cases cannot use this.

I have asked for further clarification via email to the billing / account support team and also via this bug tracker for google eng feedback: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/282768831#comment9

kfarr commented 6 months ago

Resolved at 2pm today. Based on this experience I suggest expecting 2 business days for requests for quota approval to be approved.

Here is a suggestion for text to add to readme:

Using Google Tiles API

To use with the Google Tiles API, you need to specify googleApiKey, geoTransform: 'Mercator' or 'WGS84Cartesian' (see geoTransform property). To set coordinates use: lat, long, height. Accessing Google Tiles To get a 'Google API key', go to the Google Cloud Console and follow the instructions to create an Maps JavaScript API key. Then you need to enable the Google Map Tiles API option on the APIs & Services page.

Unlike 2D tiles, Google 3D Tiles has a lower default quota cap of 300 root JSON load events per day which equates to roughly 300 unique users loads per day. This cap is ok for development but you may wish to request a quota increase to support more users in a production application. The fastest route to approval is to directly contact the Maps support team, which is separate from GCP billing or other teams. You will get a quick response but it may take up to 2 business days to lift the quota. Expect to provide additional information about your product, use case and target audience.

kfarr commented 6 months ago

closed by https://github.com/nytimes/aframe-loader-3dtiles-component/pull/39/commits/9057f16343dbb5cf3f4ac77fe77426f699ac872e