nytimes / ice

track changes with javascript
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Suggestion: Update LICENSE / GPL2 or later #112

Closed jrbl closed 7 years ago

jrbl commented 10 years ago

Strict GPLv2 is incompatible with AGPLv3 and I think may be incompatible with GPLv3 also. However, if you use the 'or later' clause as recommended by FSF, then you can auto-upgrade the terms of your license as the GPL is improved. In particular, GPLv3 is semi-compatible with AGPLv3 code, which would be a big improvement for the usability of ICE.

Lyanra commented 7 years ago

It would be very much appreciated if someone could branch this!

delambo commented 7 years ago

Thanks @jrbl @Lyanra, and sorry for getting to this so late.

WorldBit1 commented 2 years ago

i didn't get it, i can use ice in GPLv2 in my commercial app? or i must use the most updated license there is "AGPLv3" ?, if that's the case please make it clear in the project and change the license to the right one.

WorldBit1 commented 2 years ago

under AGPLv3 i would probably wouldn't use ice solution in my app, please clarify. Thanks.

megamaiku commented 2 years ago

This should just be made MIT.