nytimes / react-tracking

🎯 Declarative tracking for React apps.
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Please add instructions how to test decorated methods #112

Closed saidkholov closed 5 years ago

saidkholov commented 5 years ago

Example 1:

@track(props => {
  return { page: props.isNew ? 'new' : 'existing' };

The only way to test this decorator is to extract the callback function.

Example 2: There is no way to jest.spyOn() on the decorated method or override a decorated method.

saidkholov commented 5 years ago

looks like a setter is missing in makeClassMemberDecorator.js

tizmagik commented 5 years ago

I haven’t had a use case for testing these methods as they’re mostly a simple function of props. Happy to explore a PR if you have an approach to make these more testable.

robmojosix commented 5 years ago

@tizmagik A use case might be to test that the method called track with data? How would we test that?

robmojosix commented 5 years ago

Also, if we can’t stub the decorators then won’t react-tracking get called on every test assertion that uses it? Ideally I don’t want this to be called as part of my component tests.

tizmagik commented 5 years ago

Ah yea, so for the tests we actually just mock out react-tracking. If you're using Jest, you can define a shared mock in __mocks__/react-tracking.js that's just a pass-through decorator, like so:

/* __mocks__/react-tracking.js */

module.exports = () => c => c;

If you wanted to assert that react-tracking is called with a particular object (or, at all) you could do something like:

// UNTESTED, but you get the idea...

const reactTrackingMock = jest.fn(c => c);

jest.setMock('react-tracking', reactTrackingMock);

it('calls track', () => {
  mount(<MyComponent />)

To your point, this should be something we go over in the docs. If the above works for you, and you're up for it, a PR would be great!

saidkholov commented 5 years ago

Yes, this might work. I’ll test the idea and do a PR to update the docs.

robmojosix commented 5 years ago

@saidkholov @tizmagik in the end my team used another tracking provider to mock the dispatch call. This was simple to do plus you don't mock out the entire library.

I've created a PR if this is something that works for everyone: https://github.com/NYTimes/react-tracking/pull/114

saidkholov commented 5 years ago

The PR looks great, thanks @robmojosix . I'll give this approach a try. On the other hand, to test decorated methods within the class I ended up passing a mocked tracking object to a component like this:

const trackEvent = jest.fn();

Works wether decorators are used or tracking is dispatched via props.

P.S. If one is testing a fully wrapped component(track()(Component)), they can verify all the arguments passed to trackEvent including the contextual data that belongs to the component.

saidkholov commented 5 years ago

The only problem that I'm still having is coverage within function passed to a decorator. Istanbul seems to ignore it. Looks like it is an issue for istanbul repository.

 @track(({ date }) => ({
    action: "action",
    label: "label",

Exporting the function and testing it separately doesn't look good. Please let me know, if you know how to overcome it:)

tizmagik commented 5 years ago

Thanks very much for the PR @robmojosix -- I'll take a look!

@saidkholov I like the approach of passing in a tracking prop directly. If that works for your use case, that might be worth documenting as a PR. As for the istanbul coverage issue, I haven't looked into this myself, but found this issue which suggests giving babel-plugin-istanbul a try. Maybe worth a shot? If you do try it out, please post back with what you find. 🙏

robmojosix commented 5 years ago

@saidkholov if you can assert that your mock was called with args doesn’t this cover your decorated methods?

Checking it was called means the decorator fired and checking the args means you are testing the logic of the decorator.

saidkholov commented 5 years ago

Sorry my bad, I didn't check coverage stats after I mocked tracking object the way I mentioned. It is looking good now. Created a PR https://github.com/NYTimes/react-tracking/pull/115

robmojosix commented 5 years ago

Cool, @saidkholov I've just looked over the PR :) This is a really simple and quick way to test tracking 👍

As you mentioned before; I'm not sure this will cover your decorated class methods - these won't call your stub.

Another thought is that this will bypass react-tracking's use of the context API which will only matter if you need to test accumulative tracking over multiple components. However, you might reserve this for feature or more e2e style tests.

Lastly, this pattern means user's code has react-tracking's props mapped within every file we need to test. If react-tracking change their API we have to change every test file where this pattern is used.

These are only minor points. If this pattern works for you and your team you should definitely use it.

tizmagik commented 5 years ago

All good points @robmojosix -- thank you very much for your input. And thanks @saidketchman for the PR.

I'm hesitating about #114 because I don't want to increase the surface of react-tracking, especially since this can be implemented in userland relatively easily. And I think #115 is a good start but @robmojosix raised some good points there.

I think the right solution may be some combination of these two approaches. So if we take Jest as the assumed test framework, maybe there's a recipe there for how to mock out react-tracking when a particular test doesn't care to assert about its tracking concerns, but then also a provide a clean way to assert on tracking concerns a la #114 in the case where the test does want to.

I'm kind of swamped with things at work right now but hope to get to this soon. In the mean time, if you all have any other ideas or approaches, by all means please chime in or add to your PRs.

Thanks again for your thoughts here everyone, I really appreciate it!

robmojosix commented 5 years ago

Completely agree @tizmagik I'll close my PR. I think @saidkholov 's docs-only PR is better placed to be tweaked into what we want :)

saidketchman commented 5 years ago

@tizmagik getting credit for something I didn't do hahaha. Wrong Said :P

saidkholov commented 5 years ago

Thanks for your feedback, everyone. Totally agree with @robmojosix. Good notes.

carterthayer commented 5 years ago

How do I test my decorated functions? I have react-tracking mocked as per @tizmagik's comment:

/* __mocks__/react-tracking.js */

module.exports = () => c => c;

But I have been getting TypeError: dive.instance(. . .).handleClick is not a function when trying to call the decorated function in my test


@track({ component: "Sample" })
class Sample extends Component {
    // most of the component left out

    @track((_, state) => ({action: "handleClick", state: state})))
    handleClick = () => {
       // do something
it("should do a thing", () => {
    const wrapper = shallow(
      <Sample  />,
        disableLifecycleMethods: true
    const dive = wrapper.dive();

    // TypeError

Works perfectly fine with the @track removed from the handleClick function

tizmagik commented 5 years ago

Ah, this is because that simplified mock (module.exports = () => c > c) won't actually work for decorated class methods (only for decorating the class itself or wrapping function components).

Here's a slightly more sophisticated mock that should work for what you're trying to do @carterthayer

const PropTypes = require('prop-types');

const mockTrackEvent = jest.fn();

module.exports.TrackingPropType = PropTypes.shape();

module.exports = () => (...clsOrMethod) => {
  if (clsOrMethod.length === 1) {
    // decorating a class
    const [cls] = clsOrMethod;
    cls.defaultProps = {
      tracking: {
        trackEvent: mockTrackEvent,
    return cls;

  // decorating a method
  return clsOrMethod[1].initializer;

module.exports.mockTrackEvent = mockTrackEvent;

I've been meaning to provide this as importable within react-tracking via something like: import track, { mockTrackEvent, TrackingPropType } from 'react-tracking/mock'; but haven't had a chance yet. PRs welcome! 😁

tizmagik commented 5 years ago

Closing this issue in favor of #134