nyu-cs-gy-6533-fall-2022 / assignment-5-final-project-firefly

assignment-5-final-project-firefly created by GitHub Classroom
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Feedback #1

Open kroneml opened 1 year ago

kroneml commented 1 year ago

Since you can reuse the OpenGL framework from the previous assignment (which already includes all the basics), this task should be worth less than 40% (maybe only 10-15%). On the other hand, the procedural terrain generation and rendering can be more than 25% - please also provide a bit more detail here: do you only want to create a hightmap texture procedurally or also the color texture map for the terrain? How do you plan to do this (some technical details would be good here)? Depending on the complexity of the procedural generation and the terrain rendering itself, you can assign 40% of the points here. The rest of the core tasks are fine. This leaves you short of 10%. How about including the multiple moving light sources as core tasks? This is actually pretty straightforward.

For the bonus tasks, how about using a simple geometry or tessellation shader implementation for level-of-detail (i.e., increasing the number of triangles for the terrain depending on the distance to the camera and displace them according to the height field)? That could be worth 10%. Another option could be shadow mapping. But you can of course also come up with an idea of your own!

NotLiu commented 1 year ago

Updated the proposal with some grading changes. Also added a bit of detail regarding the procedural generation process; I think I want to generate a height map texture for the terrain while also keeping a low-poly look for the terrain.