Closed Punchwes closed 5 years ago
It should work both on CPU and GPU without any extra code. I made this colab that does eval on CPU:
Note that USE_TPU=False and INIT_CHECKPOINT points to a pretrained BERT.
Are using a different input_fn, by any chance?
Thanks so much for your quick reply, it works very well using the code you provided.
I previously was using another way to load the model rather than directly defining an estimator. Here is my previous loading code:
new_saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('BERT_Large_trained_on_MSMARCO/model.ckpt-100000.meta')
with tf.Session() as sess:
new_saver.restore(sess, 'BERT_Large_trained_on_MSMARCO/')
Then it gave the InvalidArgumentError message I mentioned above.
I'm glad to know that code in the colab worked for you!
I am trying to do some inference test by using your pre-trained model, but unfortunately it seems that I could not load it on my own computer.
I am using a Macbook Pro and are only CPU-based. When loading the checkpoint model, it keeps giving me the error message:
I guess it might be that the trained model is based on TPU and some Op are not available on CPU.
So, is it true that the model could not be loaded by a CPU-only or GPU machine and could only be used on TPU?
Thanks in advance.