nyudlts / ultraviolet

UltraViolet 💜 is NYU Libraries' DLTS deployment of the InvenioRDM framework. All info in the link.
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Invenio84 file limits msg - vanilla JS custom code #191

Closed teikmeout closed 12 months ago

teikmeout commented 1 year ago

Jira ticket INVENIO-84

Similar to #189 but duplicates the notification bar via vanilla JS but by including it in the webpack compilation process of the python project through the sites directory.

Based off of the instructions in InvenioRDM documentation:

This PR will add the following:

To test this PR:

Thank you for your review

dismorfo commented 1 year ago

I noticed that we are missing the entry ultraviolet = {editable="True", path="./site"} in the Pipfile as documented in the page Creating custom code and views. This might be the reason we are getting the manifest error.

Let's chat about this later; the issue looks like our Invenio instance's configuration.