nyyManni / msdfgl

OpenGL implementation of the MSDF algorithm
MIT License
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MSVC compatiblity? #1

Open AregevDev opened 4 years ago

AregevDev commented 4 years ago

msdfgl_map_get uses bsearch which is a POSIX function and results in a link error on MSVC

msdfgl.lib(msdfgl_map.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_bsearch referenced in function msdfgl_map_get
nyyManni commented 4 years ago

Which version of MSVC are you using? bsearch is listed in Microsoft's documentation so I assume it is available with at least a relatively new version of MSVC. Windows is my tertiary choice of an OS, so I have not done testing with older compilers.