Hi there! I'm using Vitest to run my tests, and for a performance boost I'm investigating rendering with happy-dom. However, when I try to run my tests, I get this error:
TypeError: Cannot set property isConnected of [object Object] which has only a getter
❯ new Node node_modules/happy-dom/src/nodes/node/Node.ts:57:29
❯ new Element node_modules/happy-dom/lib/nodes/element/Element.js:25:9
❯ new HTMLElement node_modules/happy-dom/lib/nodes/html-element/HTMLElement.js:17:9
❯ HTMLDocument.createElementNS node_modules/happy-dom/src/nodes/document/Document.ts:834:19
❯ HTMLDocument.createElement node_modules/happy-dom/src/nodes/document/Document.ts:803:15
❯ Object.<anonymous> node_modules/photoviewer/dist/photoviewer.common.js:97:22
Hi there! I'm using Vitest to run my tests, and for a performance boost I'm investigating rendering with
. However, when I try to run my tests, I get this error:I've seen this issue in a few libraries, including the axe-core library https://github.com/capricorn86/happy-dom/issues/978 where they documented a trivial workaround.
Thanks for all your work on this library, it's awesome.