nzhagen / bibulous

Bibulous - a simple drop-in replacement for BibTeX
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About the usage #16

Closed vanabel closed 1 year ago

vanabel commented 5 years ago

It takes me about 1h to get the program to work, after I check the manual, the code, and finally find that the following workflow (BTW, how about add it to the document?)

  1. Create three files: the TeX file test.tex, the bibtex database file test.bib and the bibtex style file test.bst as follows:

\begin{document} \nocite{*} \bibliographystyle{test} \bibliography{test} \end{document}

%test.bib @article {AribiDragomir2018Dirichlet, AUTHOR = {Aribi, Amine and Dragomir, Sorin}, TITLE = {Dirichlet and {N}eumann eigenvalue problems on {CR} manifolds}, JOURNAL = {Ric. Mat.}, FJOURNAL = {Ricerche di Matematica}, VOLUME = {67}, YEAR = {2018}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {285--320}, ISSN = {0035-5038}, MRCLASS = {32V20 (35H20 53C17)}, MRNUMBER = {3864776}, DOI = {10.1007/s11587-018-0420-x}, URL = {}, }

%test.bst article = , \enquote{,} \textit{<journal>} \textbf{<volume>}: ... [<startpage>--<endpage>|<startpage>|<eid>|] (<year>).[ <note>] book = [<au>|<ed>|], \textit{<title>} (<publisher>, <year>)... [, pp.~<startpage>--<endpage>].[ <note>]</p> <pre><code>2. compile the tex file as</code></pre> <p>latex test.tex</p> <pre><code>3. compile the `aux` file by `bibulous`</code></pre> <p> test.aux</p> <pre><code>this will generate the `test.bbl` based on `test.bib` and `test.bst`. 4. recompile the tex file</code></pre> <p>latex test.tex</p> <pre><code></code></pre> </div> </div> <div class="comment"> <div class="user"> <a rel="noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank" href=""><img src="" />nzhagen</a> commented <strong> 5 years ago</strong> </div> <div class="markdown-body"> <p>Van Abel,</p> <p>Thanks. I'm glad to hear your comments, since it's hard for me, as the software writer, to get a good sense of what is tricky for others. And your sugestion sounds good -- I'll get it into the next update. Thanks!</p> <p>And please feel free to mention to me anything else that might be more difficult than it should, or is lacking in documentation. I'd like to improve things.</p> <p>I hope to have an update ready next week.</p> <ul> <li>Nathan</li> </ul> <p>On Fri, Nov 2, 2018 at 2:32 PM Van Abel <a href=""></a> wrote:</p> <blockquote> <p>It takes me about 1h to get the program to work, after I check the manual, the code, and finally find that the following workflow (BTW, how about add it to the document?)</p> <ol> <li>Create three files: the TeX file test.tex, the bibtex database file test.bib and the bibtex style file test.bst as follows:</li> </ol> <p>%test.tex \documentclass{article}</p> <p>\begin{document} \nocite{*} \bibliographystyle{test} \bibliography{test} \end{document}</p> <p>%test.bib @article {AribiDragomir2018Dirichlet, AUTHOR = {Aribi, Amine and Dragomir, Sorin}, TITLE = {Dirichlet and {N}eumann eigenvalue problems on {CR} manifolds}, JOURNAL = {Ric. Mat.}, FJOURNAL = {Ricerche di Matematica}, VOLUME = {67}, YEAR = {2018}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {285--320}, ISSN = {0035-5038}, MRCLASS = {32V20 (35H20 53C17)}, MRNUMBER = {3864776}, DOI = {10.1007/s11587-018-0420-x}, URL = {<a href=""></a>}, }</p> <p>%test.bst article = <au>, \enquote{<title>,} \textit{<journal>} \textbf{<volume>}: ... [<startpage>--<endpage>|<startpage>|<eid>|] (<year>).[ <note>] book = [<au>|<ed>|], \textit{<title>} (<publisher>, <year>)... [, pp.~<startpage>--<endpage>].[ <note>]</p> <ol> <li>compile the tex file as</li> </ol> <p>latex test.tex</p> <ol> <li>compile the aux file by bibulous</li> </ol> <p> test.aux</p> <p>this will generate the test.bbl based on test.bib and test.bst.</p> <ol start="4"> <li>recompile the tex file</li> </ol> <p>latex test.tex</p> <p>— You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub <a href=""></a>, or mute the thread <a href=""></a> .</p> </blockquote> </div> </div> <div class="comment"> <div class="user"> <a rel="noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank" href=""><img src="" />nzhagen</a> commented <strong> 1 year ago</strong> </div> <div class="markdown-body"> <p>After all this time, I've finally found the time to incorporate this example into the README file, where it will hopefully allow more people to implement it smoothly.</p> </div> </div> <div class="page-bar-simple"> </div> <div class="footer"> <ul class="body"> <li>© <script> document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) </script> Githubissues.</li> <li>Githubissues is a development platform for aggregating issues.</li> </ul> </div> <script src=""></script> <script src="/githubissues/assets/js.js"></script> <script src="/githubissues/assets/markdown.js"></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script> hljs.highlightAll(); </script> </body> </html>