nzoschke / gofaas

A boilerplate Go and AWS Lambda app. Demonstrates an expert configuration of 10+ AWS services to support running Go functions-as-a-service (FaaS).
Apache License 2.0
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Change Sets #1

Open nzoschke opened 6 years ago

nzoschke commented 6 years ago

It might be nice to display the CloudFormation deploy change set:

Something like this but it needs to wait for the change set execute like cloudformation deploy does.

deploy: BUCKET = pkgs-$(shell aws sts get-caller-identity --output text --query 'Account')-$(AWS_REGION)
    @aws s3api head-bucket --bucket $(BUCKET) || aws s3 mb s3://$(BUCKET) --region $(AWS_REGION)
    @aws cloudformation package --output-template-file out.yml --s3-bucket $(BUCKET) --template-file template.yml
    @aws cloudformation deploy --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --no-execute-changeset --template-file out.yml --stack-name $(APP)
    @aws cloudformation describe-change-set \
        --change-set-name $$(aws cloudformation list-change-sets --stack-name gofaas --output text --query 'Summaries[0].ChangeSetName') \
        --output table \
        --query 'Changes[*].{Action:ResourceChange.Action,Resource:ResourceChange.LogicalResourceId,Type:ResourceChange.ResourceType,Replacement:ResourceChange.Replacement,Target:ResourceChange.Details[0].Target.Name}' \
        --stack-name $(APP)
    @aws cloudformation execute-change-set \
        --change-set-name $$(aws cloudformation list-change-sets --stack-name gofaas --output text --query 'Summaries[0].ChangeSetName') \
        --stack-name $(APP)
    @aws cloudformation describe-stacks --output table --query 'Stacks[*].Outputs' --stack-name $(APP)