o-gs / DJI_FC_Patcher

toolset for patching DJI birds 0306 modules
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answer about galileo #3

Closed Maxym77 closed 5 years ago

Maxym77 commented 5 years ago

Hi and thanks. After installed firmware now i see 22 sat instead of 14 normally take. I can assume gallileo option is enabled? I don't have used NLD software... only DJI Go 4


Matioupi commented 5 years ago

As explained on the readme, the way to be 100% sure is :

pull your last flight data from the bird blackbox.

adb to the bird, then cd blackbox/flyctrl/

ls *

check which file is your last flight (will be the last "big" FLYxxx.DAT file)

then exit shell with "exit"

and then

adb pull /blackbox/flyctrl/FLYxyz.DAT

to retrieve the file on your computer (you can pull several files to make sure)

then use CsvView : https://datfile.net/CsvView/downloads.html

to plot the data from the file

select numGPS / numGLNAS / numSV in the signal picker :


Then check the difference between total SV (satellite vehicle) count and Glonass + GPS. The difference you'll see is the number of Galileo sats.


Le 26/08/2018 à 19:20, Maxym77 a écrit :

Hi and thanks. After installed firmware now i see 22 sat instead of 14 normally take. I can assume gallileo option is enabled? I don't have used NLD software... only DJI Go 4


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Maxym77 commented 5 years ago

I haven't performed any step of the 15. Additionnal "post-install" steps to get Galileo working.

you are saying that there is a possibility that galileo will work ?

by the way now i verify with last flight data from the bird blackbox.


Matioupi commented 5 years ago

Maybe it can work. From my previous testings, I needed to feed the receiver once with downloaded ephemerids to get it working (which is handled by the app sdie mod)

Now that there are more active Gal sats, it may happen that this is not necessary anymore...

Please test as explained above and report...

Maxym77 commented 5 years ago


Maxym77 commented 5 years ago

what do you think about it? am i using the galileo network?

Matioupi commented 5 years ago

you are seing 12 sats, amongst those 4 GPS, 5 Glonass, so the 3 missings are Galileo !

Thanks for testing, this seems to mean that with current constellation status, it's not even needed to do a first "manual" ephemerid load.

If you want to make a flight at a time were there will be a lot of sats, you can use the app given at the end of readme to check the best time slots at a given location.

Maxym77 commented 5 years ago

with this patch I notice a different behavior in mavic. when I am on the ground, see the GPS switching from 0 sat to 10 sat ... max 14 .. when i take off and go at 20 meters i see 16-18-20 sat .. when I land sometimes it goes back to zero sat

Matioupi commented 5 years ago

The GNSS receiver configuration applied with the patch is as follow

elevation mask above horizon : 5° (same as DJI default) constellations : GPS+GLO+GAL (DJI default : GPS+GLO) receiver mode : airborne < 2g (DJI default : portable generic) max PDOP : 10 (DJI default : 25) fix type : 3D only (DJI default : allows 2D fixes) max horizontal standard deviation : 30m (DJI default : 100 m)

Those settings (and espacially the "airborne" one may apply more restrictive filters to sat meausrements while on the ground. I believe it's better to be slighlty more restrictive on which sats the receiver is allowed to use (better fix quality) than risking to take-off with a pos with lots of multi-path measurements that may trigger an inconsistency between GPS and compass while in the air.

Having slighlty different behaviour especially in the way you report them is normal.

Maxym77 commented 5 years ago

i have returned to official 01.04.0300 for test. Restored to default settings. I take 22 satellite galileo included! what is possible this?


Matioupi commented 5 years ago

I never noticed that before, but this is probably because the official FC is not issuing the constellation configuration message to the GNSS receiver. So all settings that are used "as default" by DJI (not specifically issuig a configuration message) are left in the state that the modded FC left them.

This can be changed by making a modded FC that returns the GNSS configuration to default, and then flashing back to .07 (but obviously I don't see the point of doing this).

All material to do that is included in the scripts Just change the args from the "ubxcfggen" calls to achieve the settings you want (at your on risks)

Maxym77 commented 5 years ago

i take 2 compass error today... too weak gps signal in my zone... please answer issue #4 for GPS restock to default thanks!

RazorCopter commented 5 years ago

Based on the analysis of the ubox m8n associated with the arducopter (APM) project, we had defined this configuration as safe:

elevation mask above horizon : 10° constellations : GPS+GLO+GAL receiver mode : airborne < 4g max PDOP : 10 fix type : 3D only (DJI default : allows 2D fixes) max horizontal standard deviation : 100m or 150m

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i_uqNQXwztqO7tRMvxxAT4JrsYxU2DM1/view?usp=sharing read page 18

renton82 commented 5 years ago

What could be wrong with previous gps parameter?

Matioupi commented 5 years ago

I don't believe there is anything wrong with the parameters as they are at time in the scripts. One user reported he faced 2 compass error since he modded. Not a single beta tester did report such behaviour. Same user seems to have issues reverting to standard GNSS settings, but I can't test this by myself right now. I'm not sure he applied the patches correctly etc. To be honest, reading the code again, I don't see any reason why replacing the parameters as I proposed in #4 would result in seeing no satellites at all.

Maxym77 commented 5 years ago

i have solved my problems (poor gps signal on land) increasing only max horizontal standard deviation from 30 to 100. now i take 14 satellite minimum on land

Matioupi commented 5 years ago

I'll be a bit rude, please excuse that, but I believe you don't understand anything to the settings you are changing...

The elevation above horizon has never been 30. It's 5, and rising it will only reduce the number of satellites the receiver is allwoed to track (but it will track slighlty better sats as lower ones provide "bad" measurements")

The parameter that is 30 is "pacc" (position accuracy) and it's the minimum accuracy that the GPS must estimate to spit out a position. Setting it to 100m will indeed result in a receiver spitting a position sooner/in more harsh conditions than 30m but this position is "risky" as it may be 100m inaccurate.

Obvisouly, the number of tracked satellties depends mostly on the time of day you are making the experiments.

renton82 commented 5 years ago

I have never had any issue at all with post #4 parameters, only an improvement... in the same place where before i locked 12-13 sat, now i lock 15-16 min... my mavic never drop to 0 sat... I don't know what to think...

Maxym77 commented 5 years ago

Matioupi no problem. I have rollback to your original parameters. At the moment mavic works fine. I have take 27 satellite today on air. My problem is only on ground. I think i have interferences on my ground (metal net 10 cm under the cement ground, etc). No more compass error today after 2 hours of fly. Anyway, please, make a script for reset gps to default setting or give me an solution for dump current gps settings from other mavic. thanks

Matioupi commented 5 years ago

I'll push a script to revert to standard GNSS settings as soon as possible. However, I would really advise you to stick with the modified config. I really believe it is safer.

You cannot dump GNSS settigns from another Mavic without openning it an putting some probes in it.

diikoo commented 5 years ago

I can not remove NFZ in paramaetrs for p4p v2.0 how it remove

TLozanov commented 5 years ago

Have you tried the steps in the description?

On 24 September 2018 at 09:02, diikoo notifications@github.com wrote:

I can not remove NFZ in paramaetrs for p4p v2.0 how it remove

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talhats commented 5 years ago

i also can not remove NFZ cos it need a little bit description

talhats commented 5 years ago

please can you help me for this error ([dji_image_verify_file:17] ERROR fail to open file wm335_0306_v03.03.04.13_20180525.pro.fw.sig failed to verify image wm335_0306_v03.03.04.13_20180525.pro.fw.sig, error=-1)