Hi, I have a question about the function convlove()
"val = (filter pad_mat[j strides[1]:j strides[1] + filter_size[0],
k strides[0]:k * strides[0] + filter_size[1]]).sum()"
why you multiply "j" with stride[i]? In the "for j in range(0, mat_size[0], strides[1]):" , there is a strides[1]. I'm confused about it. Thank you!
Hi, I have a question about the function convlove() "val = (filter pad_mat[j strides[1]:j strides[1] + filter_size[0], k strides[0]:k * strides[0] + filter_size[1]]).sum()" why you multiply "j" with stride[i]? In the "for j in range(0, mat_size[0], strides[1]):" , there is a strides[1]. I'm confused about it. Thank you!